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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Senate Republicans Blocked another Vote to Extend Unemployment Benefits to 1.6 Million Unemployed.

Republicans are making clear time and again that they will do everything they can to protect billions in tax breaks and subsidies for big corporations with armies of lobbyists.

But they can't find a way to help struggling families get back on their feet.

Just moments ago, Senate Republicans insulted 1.6 million Americans who can't find a job by blocking another vote to extend unemployment benefits.

Those 1.6 million Americans are our friends and our neighbors. They didn't cause the financial crisis. They worked hard, played by the rules, and paid into the system. So many people lost their jobs through no fault of their own, and now they're paying the price for Wall Street's wild risk-taking and Washington's failed oversight.

For these families, an extra couple of hundred dollars a week can keep food on the table or heat on during the winter. It can mean the difference between making the rent or mortgage payment and being out on the street.

I'm going to keep fighting for unemployment benefits because it's the right thing to do.

We are not a country that says, "I've got mine, the rest of you are on your own." We are better than that. We have to pitch in to help our friends and neighbors who have fallen on rough times. They would do the same for us.

Thank you for being a part of this,


P.S. Are you or someone you know struggling without unemployment benefits? Share your story and help us show the faces of the people hurting most from today's vote.

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