This Makes Everything Obsolete
50,000x thinner than a human hair...
230x more powerful than silicon...
200x stronger than steel…
New"miracle material" promises breakthroughs
in everything from batteries and medical science...
to oil exploration and defense systems...
Here's your chance to be first in line for 300% gains.
Hello. I'm Nick Hodge.
I want to welcome and thank you for joining me for this very special briefing.
As you know, it's very rare for one resource to define an entire era of human history — and change everything about the way we live, work, and create.
The widespread use of copper heralded the Bronze Age with its advances in metallurgy.
Centuries later, steel swept us into the Iron Age with cheaper tools and greater food production.
Many would say the Industrial Revolution brought us the "Oil Age," and that our own era could be defined as the "Silicon Age."
Yet what very few understand is that another age is just beginning to dawn…
One that promises top-to-bottom breakthroughs affecting everything from the blood cells in your veins and the neurons in your brain to military defense systems, the manufacture and powering of electronic devices, and so much more...
And it's all because of one microscopic substance, isolated for the first time in 2004.
In fact, its potential is so breathtaking that its discovery won two scientists a Nobel Prize six years later.
And now, more than 200 of the world's biggest companies and governments are spending tens of billions of dollars researching it.
Before I get into how this substance was discovered, let me tell you a little bit about it...
This "miracle material" is not only 200x stronger than steel, it's also tougher than diamonds — making it the strongest substance on earth. In fact, one sheet of it no thicker than Saran Wrap can support a fully-grown elephant!
And yet, it's also the world's most elastic substance. You can bend, twist and fold it into any shape you like. Imagine rolling up your iPhone and wearing it behind your ear...
As you'll soon see, that day is closer than you think.
This material is also extremely thin — 50,000x thinner than a human hair — meaning you could soon be watching movies on a television no thicker than wallpaper.
Yet even more exciting is what this substance can actually do.
Here's just one example: It conducts electronic information 230% faster than silicon, making it possible to download 3-D movies and charge your iPhone in just seconds.
Small wonder why the BBC calls it "a wonder material waiting to happen" that "could spell the end for silicon and change the future of computers and other devices forever."
Or why the Huffington Post said: "Nothing and no one will be safe from becoming obsolete."
Quite a startling claim — and as you'll see, a true one.
But first, let me show you the incredible story behind this mind-blowing discovery. It's almost too simple to be believed.
Here's what happened...
Late one Friday night in 2004, two professors at Manchester University in Britain used a piece of Scotch tape to strip away flakes of graphite from a lead pencil.
Next, they dissolved the tape with acetone and placed the remaining graphite on a silicon wafer.
Then, with the aid of an ordinary microscope, they found it: a single sheet of carbon one atom thick.
That's right: one atom thick — the thinnest material ever discovered...
And, as they realized, the strongest, most elastic and most conductive material on earth.
The two scientists called it graphene.
As you can imagine, it wasn't long before something this powerful began attracting attention from the very powerful...
So much attention, in fact, that in 2010 the Nobel Committee awarded Professors Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim a Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery.
Now, it might seem strange that something as abundant as carbon atoms could cause such a stir, or promise so much.
But when you remember how carbon serves as the building block of all organic molecules and all life on earth, only then does it make sense why carbon's own "building blocks" — atoms — hold the key to enriching our lives in so many ways.
Now, with the discovery of graphene, we finally have a way to harness them.
So get ready... because as you'll see with graphene, the future is here — right now.
"No Intrinsic Limits"
In February 2010, IBM announced it had created the world's tiniest transistor, made not from silicon... but from graphene.
And when I say tiny, I'm talking tiny — no larger than a grain of salt. Even more importantly, it's also the world's fastest transistor, handling frequencies up to 155GHz.
To give you an idea of what this means, silicon can operate at a speed of "only" 40GHz...
Meaning that just one tiny clump of graphene transmits electrical information 230% faster than a silicon wafer!
Stunning as this sounds, it's really just the beginning.
As IBM researcher Dr. Yu-ming Lin says: "In terms of the speed of the transistor, we currently see no intrinsic limits into how fast it can go."
That's right: no intrinsic limits.
So what does this mean for you?
Forget broadband — get ready for extremeband, as huge chunks of data that once took you minutes (or hours) to download now arrive in just seconds.
And you can forget about waiting hours (or even minutes!) for your iPhone to fully charge...
With much higher frequencies, you'll never have to worry about losing a call every time you enter an elevator or parking garage...
The military and police will be able to detect concealed weapons...
Your doctor can conduct medical imaging without exposing you to dangerous radiation from X-rays...
As Walt de Heer, a professor at Georgia Tech's School of Physics said, "We're not trying to do something cheaper or better; we're going to do things that can't be done at all with silicon."
Now, I might be getting a little bit ahead of myself here, so let me show you just one of the ways graphene is revolutionizing electronics...
Ever wonder why iPhones crack and break so easily?
They're made with indium tin oxide (ITO). Not only is it brittle, but at over $700,000 per ton, ITO is extremely expensive.
Two years ago, researchers at Rice University experimenting with graphene came up with a solution...
Using graphene-based compounds, they created the world's first paper-thin touch screen. And not only is it the world's thinnest touchscreen... it's also the most transparent, absorbing 400% less light than ITO.
But here's the fun part: As you'll recall, graphene isn't just the thinnest or most conductive substance on earth, it's also the strongest and most elastic.
Not only will you never have to worry about dropping and breaking your computer or smartphone; you'll soon be wearing it around your wrist!
Now, if this sounds like something a little too far off to get excited about, consider this...
Nokia and Samsung unveiled their own ultra-thin, flexible electronics (the Kinetic and Galaxy Skin) in 2011.
Samsung promises to start shipping the Galaxy Skin during the first half of this year.
That's what we're looking at right now: lightning-fast, elastic, ultra-thin, transparent and unbreakable electronics.
It seems with graphene, the future just keeps happening faster and faster — and not just with consumer electronics. Graphene will have near limitless uses in the energy field as well...
It's already been shown to increase the capacity and recharge speed of lithium-ion batteries by as much as 10x.
It even extends the batteries' life by erasing the limitations of common graphite anodes.
This will make solar and wind more competitive and allow electric cars to drive much further on each charge.
But graphene's uses aren't limited to clean energy. It could also usher in...
A New Era in Oil Exploration
Graphene could be a key component in uncovering large pockets of oil and natural gas hidden deep with the earth.
Let me explain.
One popular method of exploration uses small wireless sensors to wander deep within tiny cracks and crevices, from where they send data on any discoveries back to the surface. It's a wonderfully safe and cost-efficient technology.
They found that with its superior conductivity, graphene can gather many more electrons from solar cells, creating a much stronger current.
And because it absorbs just 2.3% of light, graphene's electrodes can be applied to organic solar cells without blocking the sun — meaning you could soon have solar panels in place of glass windows!
Even more surreal, its elasticity would also make for much easier installation, allowing you to just wrap the solar panels around corners on the roof and walls of your house.
The problem is sensors powered by conventional batteries can be made only so small.
And that means the tiniest cracks and crevices are still off-limits to exploration.
But not for long...
That's because researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute discovered they could generate small amounts of electricity just by letting water and other fluids flow over materials coated with graphene.
In fact, their tests demonstrated that one sheet of graphene just .03 millimeters by .015 millimeters can generate 85 nanowatts of power...
Which means that by using graphene as a “smart skin,” tiny, self-powered microsensors could soon find oil and gas in previously undiscovered locations.
The oil and natural gas shale boom currently under way could grow several times over because of previously undetected reserves now able to be found with graphene technology.
Yet, as excited as I am about all of this, it's really just the tip of the iceberg...
We've only scratched the surface of how graphene will impact the electronics and energy industries.
Now let's see what it can do for modern medicine.
A Cochlear Implant… for Your Brain
Graphene promises not only to make the world more fun and exciting; it could also bring long hoped-for relief to millions of people suffering from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, blindness, epilepsy, paralysis, and other neurological disorders.
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Georgia Tech
Juelich Research Center, Germany
Lockheed Martin
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Nankai University, China
National Science Foundation
Office of Naval Research
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
Swedish Defense Material Administration
Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany
University of Cambridge, UK
University of Manchester, UK
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of Southern California
University of Trieste, Italy
U.S. Department of Energy
Vision Institute
Walter Schottky Institut at Technical University of Munich
Wayne State University
Here's how...
One major way scientists have been trying to repair or restore damaged nervous systems is by implanting electrodes in the brain that stimulate the nerves. The neural signals are then recorded by prosthetic devices, allowing patients to perform functions and movements they couldn't otherwise.
It's an exciting new age in neuroprosthetics.
The problem doctors face right now is the "noise" caused by the platinum and iridium oxide in these electrodes, which often makes it difficult to record neural signals...
Plus making the electrodes small enough to implant reduces the charge they can carry.
Enter: graphene.
Scientists in Europe and the United States believe with its vastly superior conductivity, graphene alone holds the key to greater nerve stimulation and stronger neural signals...
Dr. Laura Ballerini, professor of physiology at Trieste University in Italy, says:
"Our findings show that carbon nanotubes [rolled-up sheets of graphene], like the nervous cells of our brain, are excellent electrical signal conductors and form intimate mechanical contacts with cellular membranes, thereby establishing a functional link to neuronal structures."
Researcher Jose Antonio Garrido at the Walter Schottky Institut at Technical University of Munich says graphene is:
"… a very promising material which could enable important breakthroughs in the field of bioelectronics and neural prosthesis in a not too far future."
And Dr. Mark-Ming Cheng at Wayne State University says graphene:
"enables a larger electrical charge and can be made smaller than previous electrodes, yet still big enough to do the job. The smaller size and higher conductivity also decreases impedance, enabling clearer readings of neural activity."
In fact, Dr. Cheng believes graphene electrodes could soon give undreamt-of mobility to "more than 200,000 patients with full or partial paralysis" in America alone.
Keep in mind that the cost of care for these patients right now is well over $200 billion a year.
If graphene is successful in relieving the agony of just one group of patients suffering from crushing disabilities, the benefits to one and all would be staggering.
And it gets even better — because graphene's explosive potential doesn't end with helping people suffering from neurological disorders... far from it!
Some of the other medical miracles graphene is set to deliver include:
- Killing Cancer, Not Healthy Cells: It's no secret that many anti-cancer drugs — while effective — can also produce terrible side effects such as nerve and liver damage. Scientists at Nankai University in China have found a way around this with a delivery system using graphene oxide as the drug carrier. Because graphene oxide has a very high surface area, it can transport larger amounts of anti-cancer drugs. And since cancer cells are more acidic than healthy ones, this carrier releases the drugs only when pH decreases! This could soon allow doctors to use more anti-cancer drugs with much less harm to healthy cells… meaning both much more effective treatments and greatly reduced side effects for patients.
- Synthetic Blood: When a trauma victim is losing lots of blood, there's no time to worry about shortages, rare blood types, or tainted supplies... Fortunately, these worries could soon be a relic of the past with the creation of HBOC-201, a "blood substitute" that restores the hemoglobin that carries oxygen. To maintain blood flow and prevent clots from forming, HBOC-201 also contains heparin — a key ingredient of which is graphene. HBOC-201 has already proved to be a resounding success after Australian doctors used it to save the life of 33-year-old woman who suffered major blood loss from a car accident.
- Super-Strong Muscles: By spinning densely-packed graphene nanoribbons into a tight yarn, researchers at the University of Texas at Dallas created artificial muscle fibers that exert 100x the force of natural muscles and can rotate objects 2000x their own weight. Aside from the staggering potential this holds for machines and artificial limbs, doctors also believe it could make possible nanorobots strong enough to propel throughout the bloodstream — delivering drugs, removing parasites, and much more.
- New Human Tissue: Researchers at the Air Force Laboratory in Ohio are using graphene to grow new human tissue after watching how cells proliferate when attached to surfaces coated with graphene oxide. Researcher Oscar Ruiz says, "A material that allows faster and more efficient growth of cells would indeed find many applications in the fields of biomedicine and biotechnology" such as "tissue engineering or to grow structures that could help heal wounds." And Dr. Daniil Stolyarov at Graphene Labs says he is now "exploring the possibility of using graphene as a membrane in the next generation of artificial kidneys. "
At this point, one might ask if there's any stunning breakthrough graphene won't be responsible for bringing us...
The Battlefield of the Future
Because if there's any substance that can do the impossible, graphene seems to be it.
Even if the "impossible" includes making entire objects invisible.
You read that correctly. For the very first time, The Invisible Man might no longer be a work of fantastical fiction...
Here's why:
Scientists at UT Dallas discovered that with sufficient electrical stimulation, a sheet of graphene heats up so much that the difference in temperature between it and the surrounding area causes light rays to bend, cloaking objects right behind the graphene.
As just one possibility, imagine what this could mean for tomorrow's battlefield... as invisible tanks and fighter jets quickly overwhelm their bewildered enemies.
If you think this sounds too far out, consider this...
A company called Nanoflight has taken this discovery to the next level by creating a graphene aerogel for the Israeli army to "paint" on their missiles.
In tests, they discovered this aerogel actually absorbs radio waves emitted from radar systems and scatters them as heat...
Making the missiles invisible!
Eli Shaldag, an Israeli Air Force official, says:
"This is a breakthrough with the potential to change the rules of the game in the battlefield," and that, "We are only at the beginning and are discovering new worlds every day."
4,000% Increase in Demand Since 2010
Whether by powering and unleashing entirely new kinds of electronics and medical breakthroughs, or just making entire objects invisible...
Absolutely nothing holds a candle to graphene in its potential to enrich our lives.
That's why BCC Research believes commercial sales of graphene are set to explode from $67 million in 2015 to $675 million by 2020...
And why, according to Futures Inc., demand for graphene-based ink, photodiodes, high-frequency transistors, and conductive coatings has already increased 4,000% since 2010...
And why graphene producer CVD Equipment (CVV) has soared 300% in less than two years:
Demand for their graphene-based products is now so high, in fact, that CVD experienced a record 376% backlog last year!
There's no question about it... The future of electronics, energy, medicine, and defense all belong to graphene — meaning trillions of dollars in opportunities are about to harvested.
Profit Right from the Source
So how can you best position yourself to profit from this astonishing mega-trend?
Surprisingly enough, it's not with graphene producers or distributors...
Don't get me wrong; I believe investors who pick the right ones will do very well.
But the truth is the money behind the money lies with the source.
Because without graphite, there is no graphene.
It's that simple.
Now, many people simply assume graphite is as common as the rock from which it's mined. And that assumption was right for a long time...
While commodities like copper gold, silver, and even corn and wheat have been surging higher for a decade, graphite was one of the last commodities to respond — and prices were actually in the tank from 1990 through 2005.
There was plenty of spare capacity from China, which still dominates graphite mining to this day.
But gradually, growth in automobile and steel demand began to eat up that spare capacity and prices began to rise, growing steadily through 2008.
The discovery of graphene has pushed demand even higher.
Today, the startling truth is that it's mined in only five countries.
One of these countries is North Korea.
Another is China, which produces 70%-80% of the world's graphite.
That puts graphite in a rare earth-type situation, in that China has a near stranglehold on the market — and is already adding export and Value Added Taxes (VAT) as graphite's dominant future creeps closer and closer.
Like with rare earths, China sold its abundant resources on the cheap when demand was low, and then when demand rose, the Chinese manipulated the market to sell what was left at much higher prices.
That's what set off the rare earth boom of 2009 and 2010, sending any company with access to rare earths outside of China soaring thousands of percent:
And it's exactly what's happening with graphite right now.
China's production facilities and mines are old and may be nearing depletion. And they're trying to get top dollar for what they do have left.
The situation has led Industrial Minerals Magazine to declare: "the days of cheap, abundant graphite from China are over."
"The days of cheap, abundant graphite from China are over."
— Industrial Minerals Magazine, May 2011
And the small supply that comes from outside China is typically used in full by the country where it's mined for traditional steel and automotive applications.
The situation has become so alarming, the British Geological Survey included graphite along with rare earth metals as resources at risk of a global supply disruption.
And both the EU and U.S. have declared it a critical supply mineral.
As you can see, all of this has had quite an impact on the price of carbon-rich sources of graphite:
Prices are up 300% in the last five years, giving a long-abandoned Canadian graphite mine the chance to be developed at a huge profit.
Back in the 1980s, a mining company found a large graphite deposit a few hours northwest of Ottawa in the middle of thousands of acres of Crown Land.
It ordered a full study on the property, known as a 43-101, and the engineering firm confirmed it was one of the largest graphite deposits the world had ever seen.
Unfortunately for that mining company (but very fortunately for you and the rest of the world), the price of graphite fell off a cliff.
The company built a processing facility and blasted for about a month, but it was soon out of business. And the entire operation — over a million tonnes of graphite — has been left idle...
Until now.
But with graphene's endless potential and Chinese manipulation pushing graphite prices higher and higher, one man has decided to bring this mine back to life...
Graphite Worth 31x its Current Share Price
I recently flew to Canada to meet him...
And we had plenty to talk about on the two-hour ride from Ottawa to the mine.
With the official resource study complete, all that's left to do is a bankable feasibility study and permitting — both of which are currently under way. The mine is being built right now, and will be fully operational early next year.
Now when it comes to graphite, not all deposits are created equal. It's all about the size of the flakes and the carbon they contain.
I'll give you the firsthand info I got from the CEO...
University testing has confirmed the graphite at this site is superior to China's in terms of flake size, higher conductivity, and greater transparency. You can see how big the flakes are in this sample I found laying right on the ground:
And with an extremely high carbon content of 98%, the 1.37 million tonnes of graphite this mine contains are ideal for producing unfathomable amounts of graphene for generations to come.
The bottom line: With carbon-rich graphite now at $2,500 to $3,000 per ton, this little miner is sitting on a $3.37 billion fortune!
And that's at the lower end of that price range, with only increases to come.
With a current market cap around $100 million, the graphite in the ground is worth at least 30 times what this company is trading for.
That's why I'm glad you're here with me today — because with this miner now in the final stages of permitting and production set to begin shortly, it's only a matter of time before the full value of the graphite it posses is applied to the share price.
The good news is that you can still scoop up as much of it as you want for less than $3.00...
I've prepared all of the details for you in a special private briefing, "The Money Behind the Money: How to Quadruple Your Wealth from Graphene's Rise."
And I want you to have it — free of charge — when you join me and thousands of other investors risk-free at Nick Hodge's Early Advantage.
Early Advantage is the resource for big profits from little-known breakthroughs and disruptive technologies in energy, electronics, technology, agriculture, and more...
No sector is off limits.
In just the past few years, my top-level research and market insights have led investors to massive triple-digit gains like:
- 119% on Cree (3-4 months)
- 159% on Xethanol Inc. (2-3 months)
- 316% on Akeena Solar (15 months)
- 101% on JA Solar (14 months)
- 391% on BYD Company (3 months)
- 426% on Alternate Energy Holdings (3 months)
- 110% on Solarfun Power (5 months)
Of course, those are just from some of my biggest gains...
"Smaller" ones include:
- 33% on GS Agrifuels (1 day)
- 28% on Arise Technologies (1 day)
- 73% on World Energy Solutions (2 days)
- 41% on Ener1, Inc. (1 day)
- 82% on Capstone Turbine (7 months)
- 32% on Akeena Solar (1 month)
- 25% on Trina Solar (2 weeks)
- 26% on Xantrex Technologies (12 days)
- 30% on JA Solar (2 days)
- 47% on SunPower (6 weeks)
- 43% on GT Solar (1 month)
- 54% on Yingli Green Energy (2 months)
- 24% on ReneSola (6 days)
- 40% on A-Power Energy (1 month)
- 40% on Greenko (6-7 months)
- 62% on Maxwell Technologies (3 months)
- 32% on ABB (3 months)
- 52% on Nevada Geothermal (6 months)
- 42% on First Trust Global Wind Energy (8 months)
- 35% on Ultra DJ-AIG (3 weeks)
- 59% on American Superconductor (6-7 months)
- 78% on PowerSave Energy (3 months)
- 39% on Echelon (4 months)
There are hundreds of double-digit wins I could list from my performance over the past five years.

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So let me show you exactly what you'll get as soon as you join us:
- Confidential Early Advantage Alerts – Complete details on the newest ways to make money in the energy and technology markets as fast as I can uncover them.
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When you join me, you'll have immediate access to the following reports:
- "The Money Behind the Money: How to Quadruple Your Wealth from Graphene's Rise"
- Bonus Report #1: "Make 744x Your Money from the World's 'Forever Mine'"
- Bonus Report #2: "Preventing the Meltdown: How Beryllium Could Revolutionize the Energy Industry"
- Bonus Report #3: "323% Gains from the 'Other' Lithium"
The intel in just one of these special briefings could easily pay for your membership many times over...
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But you must act fast...
All of the opportunities I've mentioned here are extremely time-sensitive.
They might be dirt cheap now — but this could change overnight, the second that word gets out to other investors...
Remember, you risk absolutely nothing by taking advantage of this spectacular opportunity.
Please don't let it slip through your fingers.
Best Regards,
Nick Hodge
Editor, Early Advantage
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