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Monday, December 31, 2012

Mega Memory- Your Total Solution in 8 Essential Nutrients

                Mega Memory- Your Total Solution in 8 Essential Nutrients
Mellisa Strom McJunkin
            "Of all the things I've lost, it's my mind I miss the most" is a quote that is familiar to some and a reality for many others. Our brains are marvelous miracles to say the least. Over the years scientists have not only been able to examine and study how the brain functions and malfunctions, but also how different drugs and natural nutrients can affect the brain as well. Here we will discuss 8 nutrients in particular that have been rigorously studied and clinically proven to have a positive effect on the brain in terms of improving poor concentration, slow thinking processes and impaired memory function.
            The first nutrient is a wild herb that grows in wet, marshy areas in India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and other areas, it's called Bacopa Monnieri. Before the written word was readily available, men and women had to rely on the spoken word to learn things. It is said that in ancient times the holy men of India called the Rishi were able to recite pages and pages of hymns and prayers complete from memory. How could they do this? It is believed that beyond the divine inspiration they claimed to have received, their ability to learn and recall information was due to their consumption of the wild herb Bacopa Monnieri.
Since the ancient times, several double blind studies have been done to test the efficacy of Bacopa Monnieri. One study with 48 individuals of an average age of 73.5 were given Bacopa Monnieri for 12 weeks. The study concluded that the Bacopa Monnieri had enhanced their verbal recall ability and their ability to ignore irrelevant information. It also recorded that depression, anxiety and heart rate also decreased with the group receiving the herb. The study conclusion states "This study provides further evidence that B. monnieri has potential for safely enhancing cognitive performance in the aging."
Because stress is bad for your health, especially your brain, Bacopa is an excellent nutrient because it has been proven to help with depression, anxiety and heart rate, which are often common ailments resulting from stress. From learning and memory recall to stress relief, Bacopa is a major player in the field of natural supplements for the mind.
        The second nutrient, Phosphatidylserine or PS is a naturally occurring fat found throughout the body but especially in that of a healthy brain. PS has been studied near and far as well. According to an Italian Study that followed 494 elderly subjects over a 6 month period of time, all of the participants suffered from moderate to severe mental decline, as measured by standard tests. Treatment consisted of either 300 mg daily of PS or a placebo. The study showed that the group that took PS did much better in both behavior and mental function than the placebo group. Their symptoms of depression were improved as well.
The third nutrient is Glyceryl Phosphorlcholine, also known as GPC is a special form of choline. Choline helps with the production of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters do many things, one of which is to boost cognitive performance. Because the levels of choline decrease over time as we age, obviously cognitive ability will decrease as well. GPC is the good form of choline for the body to absorb because it can cross the blood-brain barrier, so it gets to the part of the body that needs it most; the brain.
N-Acetyl L- Tyrosine - NALT is a non essential amino acid that the body also uses as a precursor to the production of neurotransmitters. Due to its role as a precursor to the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and epinephrine (two of the body's main stress-related hormones) tyrosine may also ease the adverse effects of environmental, psychosocial, and physical stress. Because stress has such an adverse reaction for our brains, NALT could provide the necessary strength and relief the brain needs to function more efficiently especially during on going stress related circumstances.
N-Acetyl L -Cysteine - NAC is a known precursor to glutathione. It is known to raise blood levels of glutathione and it may help to preserve lean muscle mass. Gluathione and L-cysteine are essential for T-cell production and helps with immune system function. This is extremely important for the brain because the brain is susceptible to bacteria and viruses.
Of course, I am sure you have heard of Ginko Biloba. It is one of the most popular herbs in the world that has been proven to boost the brains ability to function. Ginko dilates the blood vessels in the brain which increases the blood flow and nutrients to the brain. This function in and of itself helps with alertness and focus.
Vinpocetine is an herb taken from the periwinkle plant, vinca minor. Like Ginko, it dilates the blood vessels and enhances circulation. But unlike other vasodilators, Vincopetine has a special ability to concentrate the flow of blood in the brain only. It is also a powerful antioxidant. Plus, some people who have taken vincopetine have noticed the benefits immediately rather than over a course of time like with other memory benefiting supplements.
The common name for Huperzia Serrata extract is Chinese Club Moss. Its active ingredient is Huperzine A. Huperzine A works by helping inhibit the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, an important brain chemical for learning and memory. It has been found that in Alzheimer's disease, the degeneration neurons depend upon the lack of acetylcholine and acetylcholine esterase. This nutrient appears to be an effective one for those with brain disorders such as early stage Alzheimer's because of its ability to inhibit the enzyme that breaks down the acetylcholine esterase.
Lemon Balm sounds sublime but it is actually a very potent nutrient. The chemicals in Lemon Balm have a calming, even sedative effect. This may not sound like a very appealing element to brain health, memory, concentration or focus. But these elements are extremely useful during times of excitability or extreme stress when the brain has a difficult time slowing down enough to focus and concentrate. According to one study the Lemon Balm showed to significantlyincrease calmness and alertness. It also showed a significant increase in the speedof mathematical processing, with no reduction in accuracy.
Lastly, are brain and nervous system targeted Transfer Factors - Transfer Factors are smaller than small messenger molecules that transmit immune knowledge from one entity to another, such as is done when a mother breastfeeds her child. Transfer Factors are non-specie specific, which means they can be collected from other mammals in the form of colostrum or egg yolks.
Targeted Transfer Factors are similar to regular transfer factors except that due to a special patented process that collects the transfer factors from egg yolks, they are able to target specific areas of the body. In this instance they supply the brain and nervous system with the specific knowledge it needs for superior immune system functioning. This one element alone is one of the most technologically advanced nutrients known to man.
Declining brain health in the form of disease, simple memory loss, fogginess and the like is an ever increasing problem for nearly all of us. Some might consider it public enemy number one. I know I do. It can be induced by stress, free radical damage, toxic substance overload, poor diet, lack of exercise, as well as a host of other conditions. Taking care of your brain health is one of the most crucial things you can do for yourself or someone you know that is suffering from a malfunctioning brain. By taking all of the nutrients we have discussed you will be well on your way to increasing the quality of life with a strong healthy mind that works to the peak of perfection. Or close to it anyway.
1) Journal of Natural Medicine - November 2009
2) N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine
3) - Huperzia Serrata Extract
4) Kennedy, D.O.; W. Little, A.B. Scholey. (2004). "Attenuation of laboratory-induced stress in humans after acute administration of Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm)". Psychosom Med66 (4): 607-613. doi:10.1097/01.psy.0000132877.72833.71. PMID15272110.
6) (24. Cenacchi T, Bertoldin T, Farina C, et al. Cognitive decline in the elderly: a double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study on efficacy of phosphatidylserine administration. Aging(Milano). 1993;5:123-133.)
7)Pub Med$=activity

 Searching for rishi wild herb for memory?

Mammograms a medical hoax!

Mammograms a medical hoax!

Over 1 million American women maimed by
unnecessary 'treatment' for cancer
they never had!

Happy New Year and Beware:
As if fraud and criminal activities couldn't get worse, they do.  Such deceptive manipulation of people is unconscionable, and is certainly criminal.  This comes from Natural News at

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(NaturalNews) Mammography is a cruel medical hoax. As I have described here on Natural News many times, the primary purpose of mammography is not to 'save' women from cancer, but to recruit women into false positives that scare them into expensive, toxic treatments like chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

The 'dirty little secret' of the cancer industry is that the very same oncologists who scare women into falsely believing they have breast cancer are also the ones pocketing huge profits from selling those women chemotherapy drugs. The conflicts of interest and abandonment of ethics across the cancer industry is breathtaking.

Now, a new scientific study has confirmed exactly what I've been warning readers about for years: most women 'diagnosed' with breast cancer via mammography never had a cancer problem to begin with!

93% of 'early detection' has no benefit to the patient

That's the conclusion of a groundbreaking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

'We found that the introduction of screening has been associated with about 1.5 million additional women receiving a diagnosis of early stage breast cancer,' writes study co-author Dr. Gilbert Welch.

Now, at first, you might think that's a good thing. You might think, 'Well, early detection saves lives, just like we've been told by Komen and the cancer non-profits.'

But you'd be wrong. As Dr. Welch's team discovered, there was virtually no reduction in late-stage breast cancer from all this 'early' diagnosis, meaning that most women who were told they had breast cancer after a mammogram were being lied to.

As he explains:

We found that there were only around 0.1 million fewer women with a diagnosis of late-stage breast cancer. This discrepancy means there was a lot of overdiagnosis: more than a million women who were told they had early stage cancer -- most of whom underwent surgery, chemotherapy or radiation -- for a 'cancer' that was never going to make them sick. Although it's impossible to know which women these are, that's some pretty serious harm.

Yep, it is. In fact, if you do the math and calculate 0.1 million fewer women with advanced-stage cancer out of 1.5 million who were diagnosed, 93% of the 'early detection' cancer cases studied were false positives, meaning that they would never have gone on to cause advanced-stage cancer anyway.

Chemo, radiation, cancer surgery largely a hoax

According to these scientists, 'Breast cancer was overdiagnosed (i.e., tumors were detected on screening that would never have led to clinical symptoms) in 1.3 million U.S. women in the past 30 years.'

That's 1.3 million women who were told by their lying oncologists: 'If you don't agree to treatment, you'll be dead in six months' (or two years, or whatever fraudulent scare schedule they use).

Under the threat of this fear, most women cave in and agree to start 'treatment' -- often on the very same day they are falsely diagnosed. This so-called 'treatment' consists of a highly toxic injection of deadly chemicals that the oncologist makes a small fortune selling to the very same patients he falsely diagnosed. Yep, that's right: Cancer clinics and oncology treatment centers make huge profits on the chemotherapy drugs they sell to patients -- the very same patients they scared into treatment through a false positive mammogram.

Despite the near-total failure of mammography from a scientific point of view, the propaganda push for mammography is downright deafening. As Dr. Welch explains in his New York Times article:

...No other medical test has been as aggressively promoted as mammograms -- efforts that have gone beyond persuasion to guilt and even coercion ('I can't be your doctor if you don't get one'). And proponents have used the most misleading screening statistic there is: survival rates. A recent Komen foundation campaign typifies the approach: In short, tell everyone they have cancer, and survival will [statistically] skyrocket.

Komen for the Cure, of course, has been caught blatantly lying about the supposed 'benefits' of mammography. Their statistical deception fools most women, sadly, convincing them to undergo toxic chemotherapy for a 'breast cancer' they never really had.

The quackery of modern oncology

Once women begin the chemotherapy for a cancer they don't even have, they begin to experience what the quack oncologist calls 'symptoms of cancer.' Their hair falls out. They lose their appetite. Their muscles atrophy. They become weak, mentally confused and chronically fatigued. The cancer doctor then tells the woman, 'You must be strong to pull through this while the medicine is working.'

Pure quackery! You could do much better invoking voodoo or even just wishing to be cured. Because everything about the cancer experience in modern medicine -- the diagnosis, the 'treatment,' the medical authority -- is utterly and maliciously fabricated for the purpose of generating cancer industry profits.

'Better' technology leads to more false positives

There is no more apparent example of modern-day medical quackery than the cancer industry. Armed with ever-more-precise mammography machines, the rate of false positive diagnoses has shot through the roof.

As Dr. Welch writes in the New York Times:

Six years ago, a long-term follow-up of a randomized trial showed that about one-quarter of cancers detected by screening were overdiagnosed. And this study reflected mammograms as used in the 1980s. Newer digital mammograms detect a lot more abnormalities, and the estimates of overdiagnosis have risen commensurately: now somewhere between a third and half of screen-detected cancers.

Got that? Many cancer diagnoses from mammography are utterly false. But they are a great scare tactic for recruiting women into what can only be called a 'cult of cancer' in which they are manipulated into poisoning themselves with chemicals. They are later called 'cancer survivors' if the poison doesn't manage to kill them.

These cancer survivors are, of course, victims of a malicious medical cult that I call 'the Cult of Komen.' In nearly all cases, it wasn't the cancer that nearly killed them... it was the treatment!

The cult of Komen

Modern day people sneer and snort at the Jim Jones mass suicide cult of 1978, thinking, 'How could those cult members be so stupid to poison themselves to death?'

Look around, folks, because the cancer industry has taken the Jim Jones formula and multiplied it by a factor of a million. The 'Cult of Komen' is the modern-day Jim Jones 'suicide cult.' It's a cult where people 'believe' in the promise of salvation through chemical indoctrination, but what's actually delivered to them is rotting death, pain, suffering and humiliation. (Many cancer surgeons operating today literally slice off women's breasts following a false positive cancer diagnosis, maiming her for life.)

One of the earmarks of this cult is the worship of self-mutilation. It's not just the women who are manipulated into having their breasts sliced off by surgeons; it's also the women who are manipulated into being injected with deadly poisons that destroy their kidneys, livers and brains. The No. 1 side effect of chemotherapy, by the way, is cancer.

Like any cult, the cancer industry cult pushes its delusions with emotionally-charged propaganda and powerful symbols (pink ribbons). Millions of women get innocently swept up into the 'run for the cure,' apparently clueless to the fact that most of that 'cure' money goes to pay for more mammograms that result in more false diagnoses which ensnare yet more women into the same victimization racket.

Thus, the very women who participate in raising money for these pink ribbon cult worship-fests are actually paying for the mammogram machines that will recruit more women into the same cult via a quack diagnosis followed by a 'campaign of fear and terror' carried out by oncologists against women. What the cancer industry is doing today is, by any measure, a crime against women. It's also a form of cultural mutilation of women, much like we've seen in Aztec, Mayan and various African cultures throughout history.

Is the Cult of Komen a criminal operation? Almost certainly. Is it scientific? Not a chance. There is nothing 'scientific' about the modern-day cancer industry other than the scientific manipulation of women's fears and emotions. What Komen and the cancer industry lacks in ethics, science or facts, it more than makes up for in tactics of linguistic influence, arm-twisting and flat-out lying to the public about the over-hyped benefits of mammography.

The cancer industry isn't in the business of curing cancer, after all. But it is in the business of catapulting the propaganda of the delusional cancer cult. As Dr. Welch explains:

Screening proponents have also encouraged the public to believe two things that are patently untrue. First, that every woman who has a cancer diagnosed by mammography has had her life saved (consider those 'Mammograms save lives. I'm the proof' T-shirts for breast cancer survivors). The truth is, those survivors are much more likely to have been victims of overdiagnosis.

Thus, all those women marching around with pink T-shirts that say, 'Mammograms save lives' are actually declaring themselves to be the unwitting victims of a scientific campaign of targeting women, scaring women into treatment they don't need, then maiming women with toxic chemicals or surgeons' knives.

If those pink T-shirts actually told the truth, they should say, 'I survived the cancer industry.'

The big question in all this, of course, is: For how long will western civilization continue to live under the spell of the Cult of Komen? How many million women have yet to be sacrificed to the false quackery of mammography and the scam of modern oncology?

And more importantly, why do families allows their own mothers, daughters, aunts and grandmothers to be poisoned and maimed right in front of their own eyes, while they all sit back and submit to the false authority of profit-seeking doctors who practice nothing more than pure quackery?

Modern oncology represents the Dark Ages of western medicine

There will come a day, I have repeatedly predicted, when the modern practice of chemotherapy will be relegated to the history books of bad medicine, alongside sniffing mercury vapors and surgically removing body organs to treat mental disorders.

Until that day comes, countless numbers of innocent women will be tricked into being mutilated, chemically poisoned, and blasted with ionizing radiation by cruel doctors who frankly don't care one bit how many women they maim or murder as long as they get reimbursed by Medicare for the procedures.

That's the truth about the cancer industry you won't hear from Komen (nor from any of its pink ribbon cult followers).

The conclusion from the study authors

Despite substantial increases in the number of cases of early-stage breast cancer detected, screening mammography has only marginally reduced the rate at which women present with advanced cancer. Although it is not certain which women have been affected, the imbalance suggests that there is substantial overdiagnosis, accounting for nearly a third of all newly diagnosed breast cancers, and that screening is having, at best, only a small effect on the rate of death from breast cancer.

Sources for this story include:

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

These 4 Foods Accelerate AGING (beware!)

Do you eat these harmful foods that AGE you faster?  Some are even deceptively marketed to you as "healthy" by giant food corporations.  Avoid or minimize these and look 5-10 years YOUNGER than your real age.
by Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist
& Catherine Ebeling - RN, BSN

Due to biochemical reactions in your body that occur with every type of food you eat on a daily basis, some foods age you FASTER than your real age, while other foods help to FIGHT aging.
Eat the wrong foods regularly, and you can look and feel 10 or more years OLDER than your real age (not fun!) ... but eat the right foods, and over time, you can start to look 5-10 years YOUNGER than your real age.
Three of the processes that go on inside your body that have a MAJOR impact on your rate of aging are called "glycation", "inflammation", and "oxidation".  When we talk about aging, we're not just talking about wrinkles on your skin or how thick your hair is... we're also talking about factors that you can't see, such as how well your organs function, and whether your joints are degrading.
Yes, I'm sure you'll agree this is much more important than just how you look superficially (although we'll show you how to improve BOTH!)
So let's dig right in and I'll show you how your rate of aging can be directly related to the foods you might eat every day, and how to protect yourself...
Food #1 that ages you faster: Wheat (yes, even "whole wheat")
Before I tell you why wheat can actually speed up the aging process in your body, let's clarify some simple biochemistry in your body...

This deals with "glycation" in your body, and substances called Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).  These nasty little compounds called AGEs speed up the aging process in your body including damage over time to your organs, your joints, and of course, wrinkled skin.
So with that said, what is one of the biggest factors that increase production of AGEs inside your body?  This may surprise you, but high blood sugar levels over time dramatically increase age-accelerating AGEs in your body.  This is why type 2 diabetics many times appear that they have not aged well and look older than their real age.  But this age-increasing effect is not just limited to diabetics.
So, let's get back to how "whole wheat" relates to this...

Here is a little-known fact that's often covered up by the massive marketing campaigns by giant food companies that want you to believe that "whole wheat" is healthy for you... but the fact is that wheat contains a very unique type of carbohydrate (not found in other foods) called Amylopectin-A, which has been found in some tests to spike your blood sugar higher than even pure table sugar.
In fact, amylopectin-A (from wheat) raises your blood sugar more than almost any other carbohydrate source on earth based on blood sugar response testing.
This means that wheat-based foods such as breads, bagels, cereals, muffins, and other baked goods often cause much higher blood sugar levels than most other carbohydrate sources.  As you know now, the higher your average blood sugar levels are over time, the more AGEs are formed inside your body, which makes you age FASTER.
You've probably heard about the potential health-damaging effects of gluten (also found in wheat) in the news recently, but this blood sugar aspect we just covered is not talked about that often, and is yet another reason to reduce or eliminate wheat-based foods in your diet.  Your body will thank you by aging slower and looking YOUNGER!
Another problem with wheat-based foods and aging...
As it turns out, baked wheat products contain carcinogenic chemicals called acrylamides that form in the browned portion of breads, cereals, muffins, etc.  These carcinogenic acrylamides have been linked in studies to possible increased risk of cancer and accelerated aging.  Note that acrylamides are also found in high levels in other browned carbohydrate sources such as french fries or any other browned starchy foods.

Don't worry though... There's a trick that you can use to protect yourself from these carcinogenic acrylamides, and it has to do with eating the RIGHT foods that COUNTERACT damage from these nasty chemicals.  I'll show you how to find the EXACT foods that protect your body on the next page!

Food #2 that ages you faster:  Corn-based foods -- corn syrup, corn cereal, corn chips, corn oil
This is quite a variety of stuff that you might eat every day... we're talking corn chips, corn cereals, corn oil, and also the biggest health-damaging villain that gets most of the media attention, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
We already talked in detail in the last section about wheat regarding the blood sugar process and it's relation to age-accelerating formation of nasty "AGEs" in your body.
Well, corn-based starchy foods such as corn cereals, corn chips, etc also have a big impact on blood sugar levels and therefore can increase AGEs in your body and accelerate aging.
But here's another nail in the coffin for corn... it turns out that scientists have found out that the fructose in HFCS causes 10x more formation of AGEs in your body than glucose!  Yes, that's right... that means the HFCS you consume daily in sweetened drinks, and most other processed foods (yes, even salad dressings and ketchup) contribute to faster aging in your body... as if you needed yet another reason to avoid or minimize HFCS!
We're not done yet with corn... it gets even worse...
Another major issue with corn-based foods and corn oils is that these foods contribute excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids to your diet, which causes an imbalance in your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio and leads to inflammation and oxidation within your body.
Once again... another example of corn-based foods aging you FASTER.
My advice:  Avoid or reduce corn-based foods like corn chips and corn cereal as much as possible. These aren't as bad as wheat in relation to blood sugar, and they don't contain gut-damaging gluten like wheat does, but they are still bad for you.  When it comes to corn syrup or corn oil, avoid as much as you can if you want to stay lean and young looking.   

Food #3 that ages you faster:  Sugar, sugary foods, certain starchy foods

Again, we get back to the relationship between your average blood sugar levels and blood sugar spikes over time, and how that can increase those age-accelerating compounds called AGEs in your body.
Sugar is an obvious one to avoid.  You've heard how bad it is for you 1000 times before for many other reasons, including your waistline and developing type 2 diabetes.  But now you also understand the aging effect of sugar.
Instead of sugar, consider using a natural non-caloric sweetener like Stevia in your daily coffee, tea, in baking, or other sweetening needs.  This dramatically helps you control your blood sugar response and thereby help slow aging.
So this also means to think twice about sugary desserts, sugary cereals, candy, and other sweets that are contributing to aging you faster. 
My personal trick to satisfy my sweet tooth is to only have 1-2 squares of dark chocolate after dinner instead of a normal full dessert that most people choose.  You only get about 2 grams of sugar in 1-2 squares of dark chocolate as opposed to 40-80 grams of age-accelerating sugar in a typical cake, ice cream, or brownie type of dessert.
Keep in mind that some starchy foods like white rice, oatmeal, and white potatoes can also have significant impacts on your blood sugar and thereby can increase formation of AGEs in your body.  These foods are best kept in small portions if you decide to eat them, and balanced with healthy fats and protein to slow the blood sugar response.

Food #4 that ages you faster:  Soybean oil, canola oil, or other "vegetable oils"

I know these have been marketed to you over the years by giant food companies as "healthy", but if you understand a little biochemistry about how these highly-processed oils react inside your body, you would quickly see how false that is.
First, anything labeled soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, or cottonseed oil (these are in a LOT of processed foods you probably eat) most times have undergone a refining process under extremely high heat and use of chemical solvents such as hexane.
This leaves you with an oil where the polyunsaturated fats have undergone a lot of oxidation and are therefore VERY inflammatory inside your body, producing free radicals, damaging your cell membranes, contributing to faster aging, heart disease, and other possible health problems.
If you want to avoid the health-damaging effects of soybean, canola, corn and other "vegetable oils", make sure to avoid them as much as you can, and instead opt for truly healthy oils and fats such as extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, virgin coconut oil (a healthy source of MCT fats), and grass-fed butter (a great source of healthy CLA fats).
We'll show you how to find plenty of delicious foods, spices, herbs, and nutrients that PROTECT your body from aging on the Next page: Click Here! You will also discover over a dozen surprising tricks you can use daily to FIGHT aging, helping you to look 5-10 years YOUNGER... click the button below to go to the next page to discover unique and delicious anti-aging foods, spices, herbs, teas, and other potent youth-enhancing nutrients:
We'll show you how to find plenty of delicious foods, spices, herbs, and nutrients that PROTECT your body from aging on the Next page: Click Here!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

HRT Petroleo: ¡Esto Es Noticias Fantasticas! More Oil off of Namibia than Brazil !

November 27, 2012

HRT Petroleo: ¡Esto Es Noticias Fantasticas!

Dear Outstanding Investments Reader:

Are you sitting down? Did you take your heart meds? Are you ready for some good news? Do you speak Portuguese? Because... ¡Esto es noticias fantasticas!

Oh, yes... in English: "This is fantastic news!" Blame it on Rio! It's about HRT Petroleo (HRP: TSX-V). It's what we've been waiting for. It's like Pele taking to the soccer field and scoring another goal. ¡Pele raya otro objetivo!

A Year (and More) of Living Dangerously!

First, let's review -- because frequent OI readers know how much I like to review things. We've had HRT in the OI portfolio for not quite 18 months, since June 2011. After three months, as the leaves turned gold in the fall of 2011, I was wearing a scratchy hair shirt. That is, not long after I recommended HRT, in the summer of 2011, its share price tumbled from the $9 range to... well, low.

The bottom line is that we had a tough year with HRT, from 2011 through 2012 -- up to now. It was tough, that is, unless you're one of those short sellers who made money by betting that HRT wouldn't live up to its potential. Oh, yes, the shorts had a nice walk to the bank.

I'll own up. Full disclosure. You can handle the truth, right? HRT shares drifted down so low that last August, the share price broke a buck one day. Ugh. A "penny stock," so to speak. In OI? I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. It was bad timing for early buyers. And yes, I got your memos and emails. Many of them.

I am, of course, an adaptive newsletter writer. I'm capable of learning. Did I totally blow the call on HRT? Well, I like to think that I follow the facts. So what did I miss?

Early this year, I visited Houston and reviewed HRT at its U.S. office, from top to bottom. I met and shook the hand of every employee on the HRT team -- from the chief geologist to the front desk receptionist. I looked at everything with a critical eye.

Also, as part of my penance, I sentenced myself to read Internet chat boards for HRT. What were investor-commenters saying? Hey, some of that third-party commentary about me was, on occasion, utterly vicious. OK, I get it.

But then again... I told OI readers, from the very first day, that HRT is a pre-production, pre-operational play. That is, HRT is an exploration idea. HRT holds acreage onshore Brazil and offshore Namibia, but it doesn't have vast fields of producing wells -- not yet!

So no, HRT is not the usual OI sort of company that finds its way into the newsletter. There's no established business, ongoing production, sweet cash flow and Big Oil profits.

If, as an investor, you're not tuned into this level of pre-operational risk, then HRT is even a dangerous sort of play. Not to put too fine a point on it, but one can lose a lot of money by moving in and then panicking out. (Of course, I never recommended selling HRT shares, even during the worst of times. If you sold, it was never my idea.)

Look at it another way. With no current sales of oil and gas, the investment nature of HRT was NOT the typical question for investors -- of how badly any company's executives can waste perfectly good cash flow, as is the case with many other firms that inhabit the stock markets of the world. I always told readers that HRT was/is a risky idea, out at the edge of the risk envelope. I never said otherwise.

And what else? I told readers the full HRT story. If you followed what I wrote in this newsletter, I discussed the problems as well as the potential for HRT to find immense new oil and gas discoveries in Brazil and offshore Africa.

Of course, HRT has to drill its wells in the right places, no? Come to think of it, we all have to drill our wells -- of oil, not to mention life -- in the right places.

The Marcio Story

Speaking of telling the full story, along the way, I described the CEO of HRT, Marcio Mello, who is, quite simply, one of the world's great oil finders. That's a fact.

I told OI readers about how Marcio has a Ph.D. in geochemistry, worked for Petrobras (PBR: NYSE) for over 25 years and ran the Petrobras Research Center in Rio de Janeiro. I described how, in 2001, Marcio literally wrote the book on oil exploration in "passive" tectonic settings -- entitled Petroleum Systems of South Atlantic Margins.

I explained how Marcio's "drill deep" theories led Petrobras to spend over $240 million (no typo) on just one well (only one!) targeted at the vast "pre-salt" play offshore Brazil. And I told you how that particular well -- named "Tupi" -- found 8 billion barrels of oil and opened up an entire new energy frontier.

So I've been telling this story, about Marcio and HRT, for a long time -- about four years, actually. I first related the Marcio story in 2009 in my other newsletter, Energy & Scarcity Investor. Many ESI readers made excellent gains (and some made life-changing gains) on another company that Marcio advised, the former UNX Energy, which is now part of HRT.

Really, Marcio is impossible to keep under wraps. For example, I helped arrange getting Marcio to a major international conference on Peak Oil in Denver in 2009. He was... let's say... controversial. Certainly to that audience.

Then I brought Marcio to the Agora Financial Conference in Vancouver in 2010, where he brought down the house with his comments on the BP (BP: NYSE) well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico. And Marcio was in Vancouver in 2011 and 2012 too.

At each Vancouver session, over 1,000 Agora Financial attendees, exhibitors, newsletter writers, media and more heard Marcio give his ebullient pitch. Were you there?

Something Big Is Coming!

And needless to say -- but I'll say it anyhow -- I've written about HRT and Marcio here in OI. I’ve told you what I know. I’ve explained things as best I could.

Then last summer, as the HRT share price hit bottom, I threw my credibility chips onto the table. "What's Going on With Our Brazilian Oil Company?" I asked Aug. 15, 2012. And I answered my own question by explaining how something big was in the works with HRT.

Heck, last August, I was downright optimistic. In my Aug. 15 article, I showed you slides of some of the geophysics from offshore Namibia. I showed you outlines of immense oil-bearing structures. I discussed geology and geochemistry. I mentioned the phenomenal HRT team of geologists, geophysicists and engineers.

Last summer, I explained HRT's lease with Transocean (RIG: NYSE) for a modern, deep-water drilling rig named Transocean Marianas. I wrote about HRT's four-well program to test a group of exceptional prospects offshore Namibia. I described how drilling is scheduled for the first quarter of 2013 -- as in about six weeks hence.

A couple days later, on Aug. 17, I described HRT as "cheap risk, big reward." I explained the HRT story in the context of big-picture resource investing.

Oh, and for the past several months, in the "Five Hot Picks" section of the OI monthly newsletter, I've given honorable mention to HRT. Yes, HRT is risky. And it's risky for me -- as a newsletter writer -- to pound the table so hard over HRT.

But then again, and as I've said on more than a few occasions, I believe that the downside has been slapped out of HRT shares. Thank you, short sellers. So now there's upside. But. It's. Risky. OK?

HRT Has a Partner!

So what's the news? Why did I ask if you're sitting down? Why am I nearly ecstatic? Why am I revisiting the painful moments of the past? Because HRT just announced a deal to partner up with a key player in the international exploration biz -- Galp Energia of Portugal.

Galp will participate in drilling three of the four wells offshore Namibia, essentially covering HRT's costs (up to an as yet undisclosed cap), for a participation share of 14%. I believe that this is a FABULOUS deal, as I'll explain in a moment.

First, let me address something that may be coursing through your brain. Why Galp? Portugal-listed Galp has a market capitalization of about $12.5 billion. Galp isn't a huge oil company as oil companies go. Galp is far from oil giants like Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Shell (RDS-B: NYSE) or Total (TOT: NYSE). But don't be fooled by size.

The big guys ALL had a chance to review the HRT data. Over 30 oil companies -- including virtually all of the household names -- signed confidentiality agreements and reviewed HRT's Namibian play. Many of them offered terms to HRT for a partnership agreement. Galp offered the best deal for HRT and its shareholders. So that's why Galp is the partner.

Let's Look at Galp

Galp works in and around the Iberian peninsula -- Portugal and Spain -- as befits its home base of Lisbon. Galp also operates in what I characterize as the "gold coasts" of Southern Hemisphere energy frontiers.

Start with offshore Brazil -- not too shabby, eh? -- where Galp was a partner with Petrobras in that above-mentioned initial Tupi pre-salt discovery just a few years ago. Impressive, yes? Right place, right time, no? Then again, there are no accidents, comrades. Corporately, Galp understood how to be exactly in the right place at the right time.

Galp also operates offshore Venezuela and Uruguay, in South America. Uruguay? That's mighty intriguing, especially considering the plate tectonics that may have emplaced more of that pre-salt and oil offshore, directly across from... you guessed it... Namibia.

Right now, in Africa, Galp operates offshore Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia and -- as of late -- in the stunning new hydrocarbon province that just opened up offshore Mozambique.

Galp seems to have a knack for being where drilling rigs find oil. Funny how that works. And with the HRT tie-up, Galp is now moving into Namibia. It's meaningful.

The Portuguese Connection

What else can we make of Galp? It's fair to say that Galp is a fast-growing company with a keen eye for making success happen. Galp goes where other companies have not accomplished anything or took too long to recognize opportunity. In fact, Galp has strapped into exploration risk in new frontiers unlike just about any other company in its peer group.

In terms of exploration, Galp goes where many larger firms (aka "Big Oil") fear to tread. Actually, the big guys kind of like it when small players like Galp find that first oil with some crazy, super-risky, off-the-wall wildcat well.

The big company guys hate to explain to Wall Street and London analysts why they took a risk in some Godforsaken frontier in lower south Succotash and drilled a few dry holes. The big guys leave such things to the Galps of the world. Then later, they come in and piggyback on someone else's success.

Oh, and Galp is just now starting to see the rewards that come with its astonishing exploration success. So here are a few take-aways respecting HRT's deal with Galp:

  • Galp is paying a large chunk of the upfront drilling expenses for three (out of four) offshore wells. It's excellent risk sharing by the HRT team. The financial arrangement allows HRT to husband its cash for other things -- like continuing with developments in the Solimoes Basin of Brazil. All for a modest 14% share of the three Namibian concessions to Galp, which leaves 86% for HRT -- a lot still on the table
  • Galp is "small" enough that there's a low probability of the Portuguese company trying to overwhelm HRT -- as if Marcio & Co. can be overwhelmed. Still, the Galp relationship means that the HRT Namibia wells will receive top-level management attention at every stage. Yet Galp is also large enough to have deep pockets and lots of deep-water experience, so both the money and the bench of manpower are there
  • Galp has established a remarkable, respectable niche in deep-water exploration for frontier plays in the Southern Hemisphere, certainly with big boy Petrobras and in the Brazilian pre-salt. That is, Galp can work with big-time oil companies, deal with South American and African governments and generally play at the varsity level in the oil biz. So this is a deal that's already turning heads! Indeed, one of my Big Oil contacts emailed me last night, "I never saw this coming" -- which he meant as a high compliment
  • Galp is well acquainted with the technical challenges of deep-water exploration and development. Indeed, Galp's geological approach to deep-water exploration appears to jive to an astonishing degree with what we've seen from Marcio over the years. Maybe it's something in the Portuguese-speaking mindset?

Fantastic News!

As I said at the beginning of this note, the Galp tie-up is fantastic news! It's a key development for HRT. The Galp partnership -- and the third-party funding it brings to the table -- adds an entire layer of legitimacy (and "other peoples' money") to everything that HRT has accomplished.

Let's do some blue-sky math. Let's say that a three-well commitment obligates Galp for $200 million -- which is my raw speculation, because I do NOT have any information from HRT about exact numbers. Right now, the details of the HRT-Galp deal are proprietary.

In return for teaming with HRT, Galp is getting 14% of the play, or about one-seventh of three concessions.

So hypothetically, the "value" of this Namibian play is seven times $200 million, or $1.4 billion for the three-well program. And that doesn't include the fourth well, yet to come. Plus, it doesn't include any value for the spectacular natural gas finds that HRT has in Solimoes, in Brazil. Oh, by the way, the deal will be worth a LOT more in the event that HRT-Galp finds oil!

Meanwhile, HRT has a market cap of about $600 million, considering the Brazilian and Canadian share structure. So as of the close of business on Monday, HRT is "undervalued" by about half.

These are just speculative, arm-waving numbers, remember! But all of this ought to get you thinking about the size of that risk-reward play for HRT. Right now, the HRT Canadian-traded shares are dramatically undervalued, if you put any faith at all into the Galp deal.

And yes, HRT-Galp still must still drill wells and find oil. That's hard, not easy. So there's plenty of risk in this endeavor. Despite my evident enthusiasm, I must still offer the entire array of cautions. Consider yourself warned!

But if you're game to risk investment cash on an oil play with all the right moving parts and a huge upside? This is your chance to make a play with HRT. Take some money that you can "afford to lose," as the saying goes, and perhaps the return from HRT could change your life.

One of the Great Energy Plays of Our Time

Looking ahead, when those Namibian wells go down, we're about to witness one of the great energy plays of our time. Namibia -- with a coastline longer than that of California -- is about to test key areas of its offshore oil frontier. We're looking for a Brazil-style, pre-salt analogue. Is there oil and gas out there? Hey, we're going to find out in the first half of 2013, and it could be really, really big.

This kind of news makes my day. Heck, it makes my week! Maybe I'll just take the rest of the month off! Voy de vacaciones, eh? Actually, I have other commitments, and I'll fill you in about everything later on. 'Cuz I'm going down to Texas for a spell.

For now, thanks for subscribing to OI. Have a good week. Think about Namibian oil.

Best wishes...

Byron W. King
Special Offer: Renew Your Commitment to Outstanding Investments Today
and Save 50%

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Finally, You Can Prevent Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Memory Loss

"Finally, You Can Prevent Alzheimer's,Parkinson's, and Memory Loss"
A Renowned Neurosurgeon's
Simple Tips to Protect Your Brain . . .
Hello and welcome to our special presentation showcasing the work of renowned neurosurgeon and nutritionist Dr. Russell Blaylock.
When both of Dr. Blaylock's parents died of Parkinson's disease, this highly respected physician dedicated his career to discovering the hidden causes of:
  • Memory loss
  • Alzheimer's/dementia
  • Parkinson's disease
  • And other neurodegenerative disorders
Shortly, you'll hear about the preventable causes of these disorders — information that can literally save your life, or the life of someone you love.
Dr. Blaylock has spent thousands of hours studying the medical research on these disorders, and he has developed simple strategies and natural therapies to prevent, treat, and reverse them.
The good news is that memory loss, Alzheimer's/dementia, and Parkinson's DO NOT HAVE TO HAPPEN to you as you grow older.
And during today's presentation, you'll find simple things you can do, RIGHT NOW, to protect your brain, your memory, and your life!
Even if you or a loved one has already been diagnosed with one of these dreaded diseases, you'll discover Dr. Blaylock's strategies on how to repair the brain damage.
During Dr. Blaylock's distinguished 31-year career he was an esteemed neurosurgeon at the Medical University of South Carolina at Charleston. And today, since retiring from his practice . . .
He is editor of the widely read Newsmax's Blaylock Wellness Report. He also serves on the editorial staff of the prestigious American Nutraceutical Association, and is Visiting Professor in the Department of Biology at Belhaven College.
Sadly, during his three-decades-long career as a neurosurgeon, Dr. Blaylock witnessed the ravages of memory loss, Alzheimer's/dementia, and Parkinson's on a daily basis.
What he discovered is that everyone over age 40 needs to be concerned about these disorders, because they typically:
  • Take decades to develop . . .
  • And rarely show symptoms in their early stages . . .
Unfortunately, many people with brain damage don't know it . . . until it's too late.
There are specific reasons for these problems that have to do with dietary deficiencies, harmful ingredients in common foods, and toxins in the environment and everyday household products.
The good news is that this brain damage can be repaired, and further damage can be prevented. And showing you how to protect your brain and avoid — or reverse — these disorders is the purpose of today's presentation.
But first, you might be wondering how Dr. Blaylock became an authority on these conditions.
Dr. Blaylock was motivated to find the "causes and cures" of these neurodegenerative diseases because both of his parents were afflicted with, and ultimately killed by, Parkinson's disease.
His father was struck first, and over a period of years, he watched helplessly as his father's condition went from bad to worse.
Dr. Blaylock was very close to his dad, and to see him go from a robust energetic man of great intelligence and wit to a weak, emaciated shadow of his former self was devastating.
As a doctor, Dr. Blaylock tried to help his father. But everything he tried using conventional medical treatment failed miserably.
In desperation, he even subscribed to a neuropharmacology journal to have access to the very latest drugs for Parkinson's. But, sadly, to no avail.
It was emotionally wrenching to watch his dad steadily decline, and then die, in spite of his medical specialty and access to the most advanced conventional treatments.
And then, tragically, within a few years, his mother began to show signs of Parkinson's, and he relived the nightmare all over again.
But by then, having seen how conventional medicine had failed his dad, he had discovered some promising natural therapies. Unfortunately, his mom was so depressed over the death of his father that she soon gave up and died, too.
The trauma of losing both of his parents to Parkinson's had a profound effect on Dr. Blaylock. He found it totally unacceptable that the most advanced conventional medical treatments could not help them. That's when . . .
He vowed to dedicate his career to finding the root cause of ALL the degenerative
diseases . . .

And to find safe and effective natural solutions for them, so that other families would NOT suffer as his did.
And because of his specialty, he was particularly interested in stopping the ravaging effects of memory loss, Alzheimer's/dementia, Lou Gehrig's (ALS), Parkinson's, and other neurodegenerative disorders.
Because of Dr. Blaylock's work, today you will discover simple lifestyle changes and easy-to-adopt natural therapies that can help prevent, treat, and reverse these disorders.
The good news is that you can remain mentally sharp, retain your memory, avoid Parkinson's and Alzheimer's/dementia, and even repair brain damage caused by them.
But before we get started, I want to assure you that, even though this presentation today is limited by time, you can get everything you need to know in Dr. Blaylock's Brain Protection Kit . . . 

How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia, and Parkinson's Disease
And this kit is YOURS FREE in a special offer today. I'll share some of the most important information in it just ahead, but first . . . .
You need to understand why conventional medicine has failed us. Here's part of the reason . . .
Conventional medicine is NOT concerned about the underlying causes of diseases, nor about cures.
You may find that shocking and even cold-hearted. But there are two reasons for this . . .
First, our medical system is based on drug therapy. Pharmaceutical companies have been the controlling influence in our medical system from the earliest days of so-called "modern" medicine.
In American medical schools, doctors are taught to diagnose diseases, and then which drugs to prescribe to treat the symptoms of those diseases.
Let me be clear on this — the emphasis is on drug therapy to treat the symptoms of diseases, not on prevention or cures.
The second reason for the failure of conventional medicine is closely related to the first, and that's because there is little money in cures, while there is a lot of money in drug treatments.
Think about it . . . If doctors taught their patients how to avoid diseases and stay healthy, a $100 billion-per-year medical industry would be drastically reduced to treating rare disorders and accidents.
Most people never consider that medicine is a profit-driven business . . .
Medicine is a profit-driven business...And the greatest profits lie in ongoing treatments, which are primarily drugs administered for months, for years, and best of all from a profit perspective, for life.
But as you'll learn from Dr. Blaylock:
  • Heart disease is NOT a result of a lack of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.
  • High blood pressure is NOT a result of a lack of hypertensive drugs.
  • And Parkinson's and Alzheimer's are NOT a result of a lack of their common drug treatments.
Wouldn't it be smarter to just find the causes of these diseases — and then avoid them? And wouldn't it also be better to stop, reverse and repair the damage, rather than try to manage it with drugs?
Dr. Russell Blaylock passionately believes so . . .
And that's why he writes The Blaylock Wellness Report every month, which is filled with the kind of unreported medical research and practical advice that can actually prevent, treat, and reverse the major diseases, including . . .
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma and Allergies
  • Alzheimer's/Dementia
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
And also . . .
  • Heart Disease and Strokes
  • Infections
  • Obesity
  • Memory Loss
  • Parkinson's
  • And many more ailments
The Blaylock Wellness Report focuses on prevention and cures.
And it's been welcomed into tens of thousands of American and Canadian homes. Clearly, people are looking for solutions — not more drugs.
But the best part about the success of The Blaylock Wellness Report is that it has allowed Dr. Blaylock to focus on medical research that goes unreported by the media and ignored by doctors. And it's truly making a difference . . .
That's why he wants to make his Brain Protection Kit, How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia, and Parkinson's Disease available to you today FREE of charge . . .
Just for trying a no-risk subscription to The Blaylock Wellness Report for a few small pennies a day.
This kit consists of 3 in-depth Special Reports of great importance to everyone over age 40 — and especially over age 50:
Let's first look at the causes and solutions for the neurodegenerative disorders. And then I'll tell you how to get your FREE kit with a no-risk subscription to The Blaylock Wellness Report for a few cents a day.
The first thing to know is that . . .
Memory Loss, Parkinson's, and
Alzheimer's/Dementia Are Primarily
Caused By Two Things . . .
  1. Inflammation
  2. Free Radical Damage
And these two are closely related, because brain inflammation generates more free radical activity. But if you can get these culprits under control, you'll drastically reduce your risk for memory loss, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's.
The medical establishment says it doesn't know what causes these disorders. They also say there are no cures for them. But that's only because they ignore the research in favor of drug treatments. As you'll see in a moment . . .
There are specific triggers for inflammation and free radical generation. Once you know what they are, you can easily avoid or neutralize them. Let me show you . . .
What's Really Going on Inside Your Brain . . .
Each brain cell is a little factory that performs dozens of vital functions, including generating energy, making enzymes and proteins, storing information including DNA, and performing numerous mental tasks.
Ideally, we want our brain cells to do everything God intended them to do, so we can retain our memory, stay mentally sharp, and be capable of dealing with whatever life throws at us.
The problem is that free radicals damage our cellular factories, so that, over time, they don't work as well and eventually fail and die.
No doubt you've heard about free radicals but may be unclear on what they are. Simply put . . .
Free radicals are highly reactive, submicroscopic particles that bounce around inside your cells like red-hot BBs, burning everything they touch.
In the beginning, the damage they do is small and insignificant. But over time, if free radical activity goes unchecked, the cells' function becomes impaired. It's a lot like water dripping on a stone, slowly and continually chipping away at it.
Fortunately, your body has antioxidant defenses that, at least when you're young, neutralize the free radicals.
But your antioxidant defenses decline with age. Plus, if you're exposed to any of the triggers that cause inflammation or create more free radicals, your antioxidant defenses can be overwhelmed.
Now, hold that thought, because . . .
Neurodegenerative diseases begin to appear when the free radical damage reaches a certain level.
And depending on your exposure to the triggers, this can occur at age 50, 60, 70, or 80.
What's alarming is that we're seeing an escalation in free radical damage, so what used to be common in the 70s and 80s age group is now showing up in the 50s and 60s, and sometimes as early as the 30s and 40s!
In fact, the average age of onset of Parkinson's has dropped to 57.
And for every full blown case of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's/dementia, there are dozens of lesser cases, beginning with memory loss, that are incorrectly dismissed as "normal aging."
That's why it's so important that you get Dr. Blaylock's Brain Protection Kit, How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia and Parkinson's Disease, and put a stop to inflammation and free radical damage NOW!
The Triggers for Brain Inflammation and
Free Radical Generation Include . . .
  • Pesticides and herbicides
  • Harmful ingredients in foods and beverages
  • Toxic metals in the air, water, and consumer products
  • Various sugars and sugar substitutes
  • Omega-6 fats
  • Vaccines (including flu shots)
  • Excitotoxins (which I'll explain just ahead)
Additional problems include nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, a lack of exercise, and, surprisingly, too much aerobic exercise!
Let's look at some of these triggers and see how to avoid or neutralize them. And please put this preventive advice to use right away.
Parkinson's Disease: You Can Prevent It!
Parkinson's disease is caused by brain inflammation, specifically by an intense activation of the brain's immune cells, the "microglia."
When over-activated, the microglia actually destroy parts of the mid-section of the brain, and the result is what we know as Parkinson's.
What causes an over-activation of the microglia?
Mostly infections, trauma, obesity, ingestion of certain harmful ingredients in processed foods, and exposure to toxic metals, pesticides and herbicides.
Unfortunately, it's difficult to avoid exposure to pesticides. You can avoid spraying your home, but it's harder to avoid this at work, in public buildings, golf courses and public parks — or the pesticide residue on the produce you consume.
Some people are more sensitive to these toxins then others, but repeated exposures, even to very small subtoxic doses, can create a "toxic synergism" that activates the microglia and sets the brain cell destruction in motion.
For example, farmers who routinely spray their crops have a much higher incidence of Parkinson's disease than the general population.
But since some exposure to pesticides is almost impossible to avoid, what can you do about it?
First, be sure to buy certified organic produce. Or, if buying regular produce, wash it thoroughly before eating. Also, just ahead, I'll tell you about some natural supplements you can use to cleanse your body of these toxins, as well as antioxidants to neutralize the free radicals.
A very important one is glutathione . . .
Why You Need Glutathione for Protection Against
Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia, and Parkinson's
It's a known fact that Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients have very low brain levels of the antioxidant glutathione.
Glutathione is a miracle molecule that plays a major role in protecting your brain cells. Its highest concentration is in the mitochondria of the neuron, which is where 95% of free radicals are produced.
If you're low on glutathione, you won't get the brain cell protection you need, nor the moderating effect that glutathione has on your brain's immune function.
The result is inflammation and free radical production — the two brain-destroying culprits you must control to avoid the neurodegenerative diseases.
What causes low glutathione?
Infections, brain injury, strokes, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, harmful foods, environmental toxins such as mercury, lead, and aluminum, and also high levels of glutamate, which deplete your body's store of glutathione.
An easy start here is to avoid the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG), which is used at some restaurants and in many processed foods.
Your safest route is to eat fresh, natural foods, rather than processed packaged foods.
But always read food labels and avoid MSG. Also be aware that, after MSG got a bad rap (it causes migraine headaches, for one), food manufacturers sneakily gave MSG several new names and kept using it.
In your Brain Protection Kit, How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia, and Parkinson's Disease, you'll find all of the new names for MSG that are used on food labels today, so you'll have a fighting chance.
But Dr. Blaylock would tell you, from his experience as a neurosurgeon, that most people have low brain levels of glutathione, especially as they age. The good news is that you can increase these levels.
If you have access to a doctor who practices holistic or integrative medicine, you can get an IV drip of immune-supporting nutrients that includes glutathione.
Another way to get your glutathione levels up is to simply take a specific supplement that promotes your own body's production of this important antioxidant.
In your Brain Protection Kit, you'll discover the name and dosage of this supplement. You can readily find it at vitamin stores and online, and you'll also find a good source for it.
And let me make this clear: Dr. Blaylock's loyalty is to readers of his Blaylock Wellness Report, and his interests lie solely with your good health, not in padding the bottom line of the pharmaceutical industry.
What else can you do to protect your brain? Stop the excitotoxins.
The Problem With Brain Excitotoxins
Earlier I mentioned excitotoxins as one of the triggers. These are substances that excite the microglia and cause a storm of inflammation and free radical production.
They're called excitotoxins because they can literally "excite" a brain cell to death.
Brain cell excitotoxins are often the ingredients used in processed foods to enhance their flavors. MSG is one, of course, and another is the artificial sweetener aspartame, which is called "safe for diabetics" but in fact is not safe for anyone!
Excitotoxins can also be produced by your own body.
For instance, elevated levels of homocysteine, a condition typically caused by a poor diet (also implicated in heart disease), cause accumulation of two types of excitotoxins that can do brain damage.
Mercury is another excitotoxin. The same is true of lead, cadmium, and aluminum.
Are your dental filling causing your memory problems?If you're wondering how these toxic metals get into your body, they're in certain fish, such as tuna, shark, and swordfish; they're in the water you drink, in the air you breathe, and also in household products, such as antiperspirants and aluminum cookware.
If you use fluoridated water or toothpaste, even in small amounts, it will increase your aluminum absorption and trigger a dramatic destruction of the same brain cells we see destroyed in Alzheimer's patients.
Mercury is also highly toxic to your brain and immune system, and it's the main ingredient in amalgam dental fillings. If you still have this type of filling, see a qualified dentist for their proper removal and replacement.
And stop getting vaccines, especially flu shots, which contain mercury.
One of the world's leading immunologists, Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, has conducted studies showing that those who receive the flu vaccine yearly for 3 to 5 years increase their risk of Alzheimer's ten-fold.
Perhaps you've been getting the flu shot regularly for years, and you're now at much higher risk for Alzheimer's. So, what can you do?
In your Brain Protection Kit, How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia and Parkinson's Disease, you'll find a detailed program to reverse this problem. But let me tell you a few things right now . . .
First, immediately stop getting vaccines.
The drug industry has done a great job convincing the public, especially seniors, that they need flu shots. Doctors go along with this propaganda because this is what they learn in medical schools, which are supported by drug companies.
But this idea that you need flu shots is purely marketing hype. Annual flu shots provide hundreds of millions of dollars in profits every year, which is why you see them so aggressively promoted.
Find a doctor practicing holistic or integrative medicine who can administer heavy metal detox through IV chelation therapy, and while you're at it, get a glutathione IV drip. This one-two punch will give your brain a big boost of protection.
Plus, there's a simple home remedy waiting for you . . .
When you start your no-risk subscription to The Blaylock Wellness Report for just 15 cents a day, you'll receive your FREE copy of How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia, and Parkinson's Disease . . .
And in it, you'll see how to get mercury and other metals out of your brain, using five readily available supplements. One is a specific blend of two types of magnesium. You'll need both together, in the right balance, and neither is in the common oxide form.
This special blend of magnesium will also boost your production of glutathione, which, as you've already learned, protects your brain cells against free radical damage.
You'll get details on all of the chelating supplements — to help cleanse your brain of mercury, lead, and aluminum — in your Brain Protection Kit. And let me say . . .
If you've been getting flu shots for years, I urge you to get started on this regimen as soon as possible, as these toxic metals put you at a much higher risk for memory loss, Alzheimer's/dementia, and Parkinson's.
Omega-6 Oils Linked to
Parkinson's and Alzheimer's . . .
Here's something that will probably surprise you. Omega-6 oils beyond the smallest amounts will cause brain inflammation — and that inflammation will excite the microglia into destroying your brain cells.
What's more, the inflammation will generate even more free radical activity that can overwhelm your antioxidant defenses and cause a steady deterioration of brain-cell function.
Don't use Omega-6 oils for cookingOmega-6 oils line your supermarket's shelves and are widely used in cooking, baking, and salad dressings. Here are the ones to avoid:
  1. Soybean Oil
  2. Sunflower Oil
  3. Canola Oil
  4. Safflower Oil
  5. Corn Oil
  6. Peanut Oil
When you receive your Brain Protection Kit, How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia, and Parkinson's Disease . . .
You'll find the two types of oils you can safely use for cooking, baking, salad dressings, and as a condiment. And these are delicious-tasting oils, too.
If you still want to use the omega-6 oils, do so sparingly, and at the same time significantly increase your intake of the omega-3 oils, which can be found in some fish (although fish can be polluted), as well as cod liver oil.
Omega-3s are also found in flaxseed oil (often in capsules), but it contains ALA, which can be a problem for men because it has the potential to increase the risk of prostate cancer.
Omega-3The safest way to get your omega-3s is to use the modern cod liver oils, which have been vastly improved in recent years to get any fish flavor out, so today they typically have a mild lemon-lime flavor and are very easy to take.
Just one tablespoon of high quality cod liver oil a day, especially one high in DHA, will give you a big boost in brain protection by neutralizing the excitotoxins and reducing inflammation (see your kit for details).
Cod liver oil is also a good prevention against arthritis and heart disease (also caused by inflammation), as well as a good general health tonic. But specifically regarding Alzheimer's . . .
One study found that ingesting omega-3s once or more per week reduced the risk of Alzheimer's by 60%. And this research shows that if you do it daily, your risk goes down even more.
Do you like what you're learning today? Great, because these are the kinds of valuable things you'll come across in The Blaylock Wellness Report each month.
And I want you to know that when you try a no-risk subscription to The Blaylock Wellness Report for just 15 cents a day, not only will you receive your FREE kit, How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia, and Parkinson's Disease, but you'll get Dr. Blaylock's advice in his monthly newsletter for the next 12 months.
That's not all: You'll have full access to all 95 of his previous issues, each one on an important health topic. Let me show you just a handful of titles, so you can see the wealth of valuable preventive and healing information you'll get . . .
  • The Diabetes Solution
  • Eliminate Hypertension Forever
  • Key Vitamins that Save Your Heart and Prevent Cancer
  • The Great Cancer Lie: It Is Preventable and Beatable
  • 7 Strategies to Stop Heart Disease
  • Arthritis: Confronting Chronic Joint Pain
Plus these valuable titles . . .
  • Overcome Depression and Its Deadly Effects
  • Food Additives: What You Eat Can Kill You
  • The Secret Science of Losing Fat
  • How to Cut Your Risk of a Deadly Stroke
  • Protecting Your Eyes
  • What Drug Companies Don't Want You to Know About Heart Disease and Cholesterol
Remember, there are currently 95 titles in all, covering virtually every health problem, and many on achieving your best health through good nutrition and key vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Just ahead, you'll see a big orange button at the bottom of this page . . .
Simply by clicking on this button, you can take advantage of Dr. Blaylock's special offer to receive The Blaylock Wellness Report, your FREE Brain Protection Kit, plus full and free access to his archive of 95 past issues — for just 15 cents a day!
You'll see the big orange button in just a couple of minutes, but first, I want to give you a few more tips on how to prevent memory loss, Alzheimer's/dementia, and Parkinson's . . .
The Health Threat of Sugar — and
Chemical Sugar Substitutes
An excellent way to reduce inflammation, avoid excitotoxins, and neutralize free radicals, not to mention improve your overall health, is to . . .
Cut way back on sugars and fats, and high-glycemic carbohydrates, such as white bread, white rice, white potatoes, pasta, cakes, cookies, and chips.
Sadly, you probably remember that President Ronald Reagan was afflicted by Alzheimer's, and you may also remember that he was addicted to jelly beans. Dr. Blaylock suspects Reagan's high daily intake of sugar may have contributed to his Alzheimer's.
One study showed that a high-calorie diet (boosted by sugars) caused a 50% increase in the risk for Alzheimer's/dementia, and if combined with a high-fat diet, the risk went up 230%!
And remember, you can have high fats in your blood without being significantly overweight. Such a condition is caused by getting too many of your calories from sugar and high-glycemic carbohydrates.
But don't switch out the sugar for the chemical sweetener aspartame, which is in diet sodas and many foods called "safe for diabetics."
Aspartame is a potent excitotoxin that can literally excite brain cells to death. Instead, use natural sugar substitutes, such as stevia, which are safe and won't cause inflammation or generate free radicals.
Already, you've learned that inflammation and free radicals are the two main culprits that cause memory loss, Alzheimer's/dementia, and Parkinson's. And you've discovered the primary triggers for them, too.
But in your Brain Protection Kit, you'll also hear about several vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that reduce inflammation, boost glutathione, detoxify your brain of heavy metals, and protect you from excitotoxins and free radicals.
Just a few of these include:
  • N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)
  • Blueberry Extract
  • Melatonin
  • Curcumin and Quercetin
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B-12
In How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia, and Parkinson's Disease, you'll get the specific types, dosages, and best sources for these important brain-protecting nutrients.
For instance, most people don't get enough Vitamin B-12, and then if they do, it's the wrong kind. The same is true of Vitamin D. In your Brain Protection Kit, you'll discover which kinds to use, and also the correct dosages.

Most people are getting only one-tenth of the Vitamin D they need on a daily basis. So "upping" your Vitamin D levels is critically important, not just for brain health, but also to prevent cancer.
And by the way, if you've heard or read reports in the media that Vitamin D can be toxic (and even cause cancer), you should know that is just propaganda from the pharmaceutical industry. Rest assured, Big Pharma doesn't want you to know that an inexpensive vitamin can do far more for your health than its drugs.
If everybody got enough Vitamin D, took their cod liver oil, and added a few antioxidants, the rates for cancer, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's would plummet! See your kit for full details . . .
Don't Over-Exercise: It Can Harm Your Brain
When I first mentioned this earlier, I'm sure it surprised you. But while a complete lack of exercise can cause numerous health problems, Dr. Blaylock has found that too much aerobic exercise is actually harmful to your brain.
The reason is that aerobic exercise dramatically increases free radical generation, which leads to brain cell deterioration and the neurodegenerative disorders.
Numerous studies have shown that moderate exercise, such as a brisk 30-to-40-minute walk every other day, is protective against Alzheimer's/dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases. What's also protective is to exercise your brain by reading, writing, memorizing facts, and participating in mental-skill games such as bridge, chess, or crossword puzzles.
Well, I'm just about out of time. There is so much more I want to tell you. I feel I've barely scratched the surface, but we've made a good start. Please use what you've learned today . . .
And most important, get your copy of How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia and Parkinson's Disease — FREE with your Blaylock Wellness Report subscription — and start reversing inflammation and free-radical damage NOW!
You can easily follow Dr. Blaylock's guidelines, make adjustments to your diet, add some vitamins and antioxidants, and detoxify your brain. All of this will give you significant protection against memory loss, Alzheimer's/dementia, and Parkinson's.
And you'll love the side benefits, too . . .
You'll gain energy, lose weight, become mentally sharper, sleep better, and feel younger.
You'll also have peace of mind, knowing that you're stopping and reversing the brain damage that's been going on — probably for too long — without you even knowing about it.
Oh — and I almost forgot to tell you. If you order your kit today, we're also going to throw in yet another FREE Bonus Report: Think Faster, Think Smarter: How to Speed Up Your Mental Performance.
In this extra report, you'll discover how easy and fun it is to rev up your own "mental speedometer."
You'll see how to boost crucial neurotransmitters in your brain that not only speed up your thinking, but also help with weight loss, diabetes prevention and remission, and even improve your general outlook on life . . .
This report is an example of the high-quality content you'll find in the monthly Newsmax publication The Mind Health Report, designed for people who want to:
  • Improve their memory and mental functioning . . .
  • Enhance their relationships . . .
  • Prevent mental decline, dementia, and Alzheimer's . . .
  • And live longer, healthier, and happier lives . . .
So this gift will be a great addition to your FREE Brain Protection Kit, and an additional $15.00 value!
So, let me invite you to join me and tens of thousands of health-minded people like you each month, who are getting real solutions to health problems — not just more drugs to treat symptoms.
Just click on the BIG ORANGE BUTTON at the bottom of this page, and you can try a no-risk subscription to The Blaylock Wellness Report for just 15 cents a day.
And remember, with your subscription, you'll get full access to Dr. Blaylock's archive of 95 past issues on every important health issue. I guarantee you'll find valuable healing advice on any health problem you have now, or on any problem you wish to prevent.
Plus, you'll receive your FREE kit, How to Prevent Memory Loss, Alzheimer's/Dementia and Parkinson's Disease, directly to your door.
Do it now, because the three brain-saving reports in this kit could be the most important reading of your life! And reading The Blaylock Wellness Report each month will keep you healthy and full of vim and vigor!
OR Subscribe to Second Opinion Newsletter written by Dr. Robert J. RowenWELCOME TO SECOND OPINION
Second Opinion helps you take charge of your health – and feel younger, and healthier than ever before.
Dr. Rowen is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Johns Hopkins University and the University of California at San Francisco. He has been board certified and recertified by the American Boards of Family Practice and Emergency Medicine. He is currently certified by the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology. He also served on the Alaska State Medical Board. Dr. Rowen is known as "The Father of Medical Freedom" for pioneering the nation's first statutory protection for alternative medicine in 1990.
Dr. Rowen goes beyond the same old tired health advice. He brings you big breakthroughs that really work, often years before they’re covered anywhere else. His advice doesn’t rely on second-hand information or health-food-industry hype. Everything you read about has been tested in the real world on real patients. Please explore our website. While you’re here, be sure to sign up for Dr. Rowen’s free Health Alert newsletter and get his latest Special Report: Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof.
Finally, You Can Prevent Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Memory Loss
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