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Sunday, August 28, 2011

SFIMG Removes Decade Old Benefit: Affiliates Only Receive 5 VersaPoints When they Reassign other Affiliates with 600 VersaPoints in 90 Days

Please Complain to Gery Carson about New Policy where you only receive 5 VP for Re-Assigning Affiliate with 600 VP in 90 Days,instead of 5 VersaPoints for every affiliate you reassign to another affiliate who is active. This is an unbelievably destructive policy which can only make Gery Carson richer and all affiliates less likely to recruit and poorer too. Gery Carson must not have heard that there is a RECESSION. Oh,he did hear but he does not care.

Here is the new policy:
"5 VersaPoints For each affiliate you reassign to a team member (points awarded for transferred affiliates who have generated a min. of 600 VP in past 90 days) "

Many affiliates spend hundreds or thousands of dollars a year recruiting people to join and one indirect way they can be reimbursed is to reassign those affiliates to other high-performing
affiliates. Now the policy says only the high-performing affiliates are the ones that can get credit for being reassigned which defeats the purpose of assigning the other affiliates to anyone. One cannot gain a great number of VersaPoints and be rewarded by being in the Top 300. This is a self-defeating policy that I may seek a legal remedy for. It ATTACKS ALL the affiliates who have spent years recruiting for and STEALS/ REMOVES a Significant benefit of .

Hundreds of affiliates will LOSE MORE MONEY and possibly QUIT RECRUITING ALTOGETHER. Ask to have 5 VersaPoints for every affiliate Reassigned RESTORED NOW !
Anyone in my downline who complains about this will receive at least 10 TCredits.
Thank you,
Will Stewart SFI ID #8993772

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