by Marcus Wohlsen 03.29.13 6:30 AM
For the past several months, Google has danced coyly around the
question of exactly how deep it wants to dip into the world of shopping.
But the official confirmation this week of its long-rumored same-day
retail delivery service signals a crystal-clear intention: Google wants
to be Amazon.
Analysts at Baird Equity Research described the new service, which
will be beta-tested in coming months by select San Francisco Bay Area
residents, as “consistent with Google’s ambitions to create a larger
commerce platform.”
The service, Shopping Express, will also “bring more local product
inventory into search” and “counter competition from Amazon and eBay”:
“We still see Google over time expanding toward a more traditional
e-commerce marketplace model,” analysts Colin Sebastian and Gregor
Schauer wrote.
Google has all the technological infrastructure it could ever need to run an e-commerce service. Already, its paid product listings have helped turn search results into an online storefront missing only a “buy” button.
The only other piece Google would still need is the inventory. For
now, that will come from local retailers such as Target and Staples. But
it’s hard to imagine the same minds behind Google Glass and
self-driving cars aren’t itching to take a harder run at hacking a
systems problem as seductive as the global distribution of consumer
Still, they’d have to hurry.
According to researchers at Deutsche Bank, the 40 new mega-warehouses
built by Amazon over the past three years (both domestically and
abroad) will help make online shopping faster and cheaper than ever.
Getting those warehouses closer to customers means Amazon will have
to ship fewer items by air in favor of less expensive options, the
report says. Amazon will also be better able to draw on inventory from a
single warehouse for multiple-item orders, rather than being forced to
pull orders together from warehouses scattered across the country.
Working against Amazon is its own success at promoting its Prime
program, which promises unlimited two-day shipping for an annual $79
fee. Meeting that promise means Prime customers result in higher
shipping costs per order for Amazon, says Deutsche Bank analyst Ross
Sandler. But because Prime customers order so much more than their
non-Prime counterparts, they still generate six times the profit per
customer for the company.
“The end result of these investments is likely to be improved unit
economics from lower shipping costs, better customer service levels and
speedier delivery, which is typically the second most important factor
in the consumer’s purchase consideration, behind price (where AMZN
consistently wins),” Sandler writes.
Google’s efforts to chip away at that dominance despite Amazon’s huge head start will be one of the most popcorn-worthy
corporate contests of the next few years. Because if the shareholders
who have pushed the company’s stock price above $800 are to be believed,
Google is always a contender.
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Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
One Nation (Under China):China’s Long March to World Domination
One Nation
(Under China)
China’s Long March to World Domination
What You Must Do Now to Protect Yourself and Profit
Wake up, America!(Under China)
China’s Long March to World Domination
What You Must Do Now to Protect Yourself and Profit
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China’s on a long march to world domination and their pace is accelerating, and it’s about to threaten your financial future and our American way of life.
Over the past 12 months ...
China has surpassed Japan to become the world’s second largest economy ... surpassed the United States to become the world’s largest manufacturer ... and jumped light years ahead of the U.S. space program by launching astronauts into space while simultaneously building their own state-of-the-art space station along with a new generation of ballistic missiles.
And it is growing economically and militarily stronger by the minute.
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They are using their economic power to buy up two-fifths of the world’s coal, zinc, aluminum and copper as they threaten their neighbors both militarily in the Sea of Japan and economically around the world ... systematically wielding their economic club against countries that challenge its interests in territorial disputes and that defy its terms.
In a dispute over fishing rights, they punished the Philippines by blocking banana imports from entering China, dealing a major economic blow to a country that exports more than 30% of its bananas to China.
Norway was punished for attending the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony honoring Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo by imposing “new” veterinary inspections on Norwegian salmon that cut imports by 60%.
Just this October, Japan was punished over the sale of the disputed East China Sea islands by China pulling out of the International Monetary Fund summit. The chain reaction caused Japanese stocks to drop nearly 2%.
This is how China is marching toward world domination — by flexing its economic muscles while buying up the world’s resources and modernizing its military.
It’s only a matter of time before China’s uses the $2 trillion America owes it as a battering ram to push its foreign policy objectives — not just in the Sea of Japan, but WHEREVER it feels its interests are threatened.
The result won’t just steal more of our jobs or block more of our exports. It will also strike to the core of our financial lives — our companies, our money and even our retirement.
And unless we see a dramatic change very soon, there’s very little the bankrupt U.S. government can do to stop it.
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As you’ll see here, the only way you’ll preserve your financial freedom is if you take action yourself — TODAY.
That’s why I created this presentation: To show you what China is doing right now to undermine your investments and what you must do NOW to protect yourself and your family from China’s Long March to dominate the world and destroy your wealth.
If the thought of the USA becoming a financial slave to China disturbs you, I would stop reading now.
I guarantee my presentation will send chills down your spine as you learn about China’s Long March to world domination.
Unlike a military victory that would turn our cities to rubble, the fallout from their economic victory will crush every single dollar you’ve ever saved or invested.
Unless you take action now, the value of your investments, your savings, and your retirement accounts could be wiped out.
Don’t think this can’t happen!
You’ve already seen the tremendous economic, technological and even military advances China’s made in recent years and how they are wielding their economic power around the world.
The next steps they are taking could pull the plug on your financial future and set back your savings for years.
I know that many in the financial media will dismiss what I have to say out of hand and dismiss me as some kind of extremist.
They said the same thing when I warned of China’s rise as early as the 1980s ... and when I forecast the great bull market in gold since 2001 — not to mention the bursting of the tech bubble in 2000, the great housing bust in 2007, and the European sovereign debt crisis in 2010 — each time saving my readers millions of dollars.
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That’s why if you can take a few minutes to hear me out, you’ll be among a handful of American investors who will be able to turn this crisis into profits, because by the time the financial media covers this story, it will be too late.
And while the steps in China’s quest have been many, again, their strategy comes down to three shrewd and well-thought-out stages:
- Control the U.S. economy,
- Monopolize the world’s natural resources, and finally,
- Destroy the dollar to achieve their ultimate financial superiority.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Let me walk you through all three stages of their plan.
That way you’ll have a better understanding of what’s about to take place and the kinds of investments that will rise when China makes its final move.
China’s Step #1: Gain Greater Control
over the U.S. Economy.
You can see what China has done to do that every time you
go to Costco, Wal-Mart, or Lowe’s — flood the U.S. with cheap Chinese
goods. over the U.S. Economy.
Can you find anything that’s made in the USA?
That’s no accident.
That’s just the first step in China’s takeover strategy: Flood the U.S. with cheap goods to strip us of our manufacturing base so they can line their own pockets with trillions of our dollars.
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The 20 WTO complaints the U.S. government has filed against China over the past 11 years proves just that.
As a result, the Chinese have taken over entire American industries.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ...
- The manufacturing industry has lost 1.967 million jobs to China in four years,
- The textile industry has lost 43,488 jobs to China in the last four years,
- The food manufacturing industry has lost 44,133 jobs to China since 2008, and
- The apparel manufacturing industry has lost 52,271 jobs to China since 2008.
You should see China’s 12th Five-Year Plan, implemented this year, that’s under way now. Atlantic Magazine calls it “China’s New Plan for Economic Domination.”
It’s no wonder. It makes their previous currency manipulations and tactics look like chump change.
That’s because their new plan is an even bolder attack: A controlling interest in strategic emerging industries: The very high profit sectors worth nearly $4 trillion that we’re counting on to grow our own economy.
I’m talking about ...
- Alternative energy,
- Alternative-fuel cars,
- New-generation information technology,
- High-end equipment manufacturing,
- Advanced materials, and
- New energy technologies.
All using the same tactics that filings at the U.S. Commerce Department show China has used to gut the U.S. solar industry over the past five years.
- Mammoth government subsidies,
- Massive cash grants,
- Heavily discounted materials and utilities,
- Multibillion-dollar low-interest loans, and
- Outright dumping.
They do this for every industry they sink their hooks into: Undercut U.S. companies by giving Chinese companies an array of unfair — and sometimes illegal — subsidies, grants, and loans while sticking it to us with mafia-sized tariffs.
Just look at the tariffs they place on U.S. goods:
45% on U.S. steel productsCompare this with the far SMALLER tariffs we place on top of Chinese imports:
22% on U.S. automobiles
30% on U.S. motorcycles
30% on U.S. video, digital video, and audio recorders
2% to 10% on yarns, cotton, and man-made fibersThere you can see with your own eyes why the U.S. trade balance with China has ballooned to $295 billion ... and why China is sitting on $3.2 trillion of our money!
10% to 18% on woven fabrics
10% to 17% on home furnishings
10% to 24% on travel goods
Those numbers don’t include even the $48 billion worth of pirated U.S. software that the International Trade Commission says cost U.S. businesses another 2.1 million jobs in 2009 alone.
So it’s also no surprise China's newest Five-Year Plan has been characterized by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and many major multi-nationals as another “blueprint for technology theft on a scale the world has never seen.”
The kind of economic theft that could wipe out your savings in the blink of an eye!
You needn’t take my word for it.
The employees and investors in American Superconductor Corp. would tell you the same thing — China will do whatever it takes to steal our jobs and our technology.
Here’s what happened to them.
When their biggest Chinese client refused to accept or pay for new shipments of their wind turbine technology software, their technicians discovered the company had hacked the source code for their software.
Why pay, when you can steal it free?
This rip-off not only cost the company $140 million in sales, it also triggered a 70% collapse in the company’s stock value.
This is just one example of how some companies in China will lie, cheat, and steal, helping China to control the U.S. economy on their road to world domination while wiping out the investments of American investors.
Rare events? Not even close! Gen. Keith Alexander, head of the military’s Cyber Command, tells us that there are 155 more examples of Chinese cyber thefts they are prosecuting now.
Sound scary? Continue reading article One Nation Under China here
Monday, March 18, 2013
Watch An Awesome Feminist Senator Teach A U.S. General How To Do His Job
In 2011, there were 3,191 reports of sexual assault in the
military. Only 240 moved to trial. In this clip, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
is asking the military brass about a case at Aviano Air Base where a
general reversed the decision of a military jury and overturned a
conviction against a high-ranking officer who attacked a subordinate.
This is the first hearing like this in almost 10 years.
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Big Banks Are Too Big and Get $83 Billion in Lower Interest
Friday, March 8, 2013
House Lawmakers Vote to Cancel 0.5% Raise for Federal Employees and 21,000 Petitions from AFGE Members Sent to House Speaker Boehner:
House Lawmakers Vote to Cancel 0.5% Raise for Federal Employees: Destroying
jobs and attacking federal employees, nearly half of whom are veterans,
must be the House of Representatives’ specialty as it just passed a
bill that would deny these employees the measly 0.5% pay raise that was
proposed by the Obama administration and was supposed to take effect
next month. The $982 billion spending bill funds the government at last
year’s levels for the rest of fiscal 2013. But instead of cancelling the
job-killing sequestration cuts that will hurt everyone in America, the
bill makes the funding subject to sequestration. This means hundreds of
thousands of federal employees will be forced to take a pay cut of 20%
because of the unpaid furloughs.
21,000 Petitions from AFGE Members Sent to House Speaker Boehner: More
than 21,000 AFGE members from across the country signed a petition
demanding that Congress stop holding working families hostage. Online
petition signatures were sent to House Speaker John Boehner last Friday,
the day the across-the-board cuts known as sequestration took effect.
We shipped physical signatures to his office this week. The petition
specifically asked Boehner and Congress to cancel the devastating cuts,
oppose cuts to federal employee pay, health insurance and retirement,
oppose cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, close tax
loopholes for Wall Street and the richest 2%, and cap outrageous
compensation for government contractors.
Role of AFGE during Sequestration: Don’t miss this excellent interview of AFGE Public Policy Director Jacque Simon on C-SPAN's national call-in program, "Washington Journal". Simon discussed sequestration and the role of AFGE during this sequestration period. She also debunked several misconceptions about federal employees, unions, and social safety net programs.
The show aired live on Monday, Mar. 4, but you can watch it here.
Senators Urge Senate Appropriations Panel to Cap Taxpayer Subsidies for Contractor Compensation: Sens. Barbara Boxer of California, Charles Grassley of Iowa, and Joe Manchin
of West Virginia this week urged the Senate Appropriations Committee to
use the fiscal 2013 funding measure to lower the obscenely high cap on
taxpayer subsidies to compensation for contractors.
“Most Americans would be shocked to know that under current law, government contractor employees can charge taxpayers $763,029 per year for salary reimbursements,” the bipartisan trio wrote to Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski and Ranking Member Richard Shelby. “The current compensation limit has more than doubled since 2000 and has grown more than 55 percent faster than the rate of inflation. The maximum amount of taxpayer dollars being paid to reimburse contractor employees for salaries not only increased more than $70,000 from the previous year’s limit, it is now nearly double the salary earned by the President of the United States.”
NP Cox Calls on Agencies to Adopt Pentagon’s Insourcing Process: In a testimony before a public meeting conducted by the Office of Management and Budget on the need to finally develop a methodology that would allow agencies to insource in order to save money, AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. called on federal agencies to adopt the Defense Department’s process for cost-based insourcing which Pentagon officials acknowledge has led to significant savings. NP Cox said agencies also need to put an end to an arbitrary cap on the size of the civilian workforce as reducing the number of federal employees without reducing the workload will only lead to the use of expensive contractors, which should be used for short-term work only. Work that must be done by federal employees because it’s so important or sensitive should not be subject to a cost comparison.
Read NP Cox’s excellent testimony here. Other groups that testified included POGO and Business Coalition for Fair Competition, Professional Services Council, and Aerospace Industries of America.
AFGE Calls for Increased Staffing, Pepper Spray Use Throughout Bureau of Prisons: AFGE and its Council of Prison Locals this week called on the Obama administration, Congress and the Bureau of Prisons to immediately increase the bureau’s staffing and expand the use of pepper spray for correctional officers in order to protect staff from a dangerous spike in violence throughout the federal prison system. The call for action comes as the union mourns the loss of a correctional officer killed in the line of duty. Eric Williams, 34, died on Feb. 25 after being assaulted by an inmate with a homemade weapon at the United States Penitentiary– Canaan in northeastern Pennsylvania. In the wake of Williams’ death, BOP has agreed to expand its pepper spray pilot program to all high security institutions – an increase from the seven facilities currently testing the program.
“The expansion of the pilot program is a good first step and something we’ve supported for years, ”AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. said. “But it’s outrageous that an officer had to lose his life in order for the change to take place.”
AFGE Calls for Removal of VA Regional Director Moreland: Veterans Integrated Service Networks (VISN) 4 Director Michael Moreland and his culture of employee retaliation need to go. AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. last month asked VA Secretary Eric Shinseki
to fire Moreland for repeatedly retaliating against employees, most
recently a post-traumatic stress disorder specialist at the Wilmington,
Del. VA facility who continues to face intense retaliation for
testifying before Congress about understaffing and lack of mental health
care access for vets. On the eve of her testimony to Congress, Dr. Michelle Washington,
who for years had been rated as an outstanding performer, was rated as
“needs improvement”. As part of this retaliation scheme, VA transferred
her neuropsychological testing duties to the Coatesville VA, forcing
veterans to travel substantially further for diagnosis which can and has
been done by Dr. Washington. Her duties as the Evidence Based Treatment
Coordinator have also been removed.
“It’s time for you to send a clear message and restore Dr. Washington’s evaluation and her duties,” NP Cox wrote in a Feb. 26 letter to Secretary Shinseki. “Your continued failure to address this issue sends just the opposite message. Lack of action from the highest levels of the VA is perhaps contributing to a management culture in which a management official at the Pittsburgh VA felt emboldened to tell our Local President Kathi Dahl that she could simply (and falsely) tell Congress she was sick and not testify [about the Legionnaire’s outbreak].”
FAA to Close 173 Air Traffic Control Towers April 7: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has plans to close 173 of its 251 air traffic control towers operated by contractors at smaller airports on April 7 in response to the sequestration cuts. The FAA would consider removing towers from the list on a case by case basis if the operators can give them a good reason to keep the towers open, according to Spenser Dickerson, executive director of the U.S. Contract Tower Association.
AFGE Joins Legal Brief Against Defense of Marriage Act: In a friend of the court legal brief filed this week, AFGE joined with the AFL-CIO and other labor organizations in urging the U.S. Supreme Court to declare the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional. The case under review, Windsor v. United States, involves New York resident Edie Windsor. Ms. Windsor sued the federal government after DOMA caused her to receive unequal tax treatment because of her same-sex marriage. DOMA forbids the federal government from treating married same-sex couples the same as other married couples with regards to taxes and many other benefits.
Unions, Hotels Join Forces to Train Workers for Jobs on Las Vegas Strip: It’s hard to break into the hospitality industry in Las Vegas. That’s why 26 properties have partnered with the Culinary Workers Union/United Here Local 226 and Bartenders Union/United Here Local 165 to offer vocational classes to prepare students for jobs on the Strip with good wages, opportunities for career advancement, and health and retirement benefits. The partnership, known as The Culinary Academy of Las Vegas, has offered classes ranging from Vocational English for speakers of other languages to food preparing, serving, and catering. The academy has trained more than 35,000 people since its beginnings in 1993. For the list of classes and tuition info, click here.
This Week in Labor History: March 4, 1801 - In his inaugural address, President Thomas Jefferson declares: “Take not from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.”
This Week’s Tweet: “The final report is in: The U.S. wasted *billions* rebuilding Iraq” @thinkprogress
Inside Government: Tune in now to AFGE’s “Inside Government” as the union’s members speak out on the dangers of sequestration. The show, which originally aired on Friday, March 1, is now available on demand.
Quote of the Week: A
new definition of ‘less government’? Seven lawmakers in the Iowa House
have introduced a bill to prohibit parents with children under 18 years
old from getting a ‘no fault’ divorce – a divorce that doesn’t require
any evidence of wrongdoing from either party. The bill’s biggest
cheerleader, Rep. Tedd Gassman, believes
wholeheartedly in the idea behind the bill as his daughter and
son-in-law have just divorced and that could turn his granddaughter into
a promiscuous young girl.
"There's a 16-year-old girl in this whole mix now. Guess what? What are the possibilities of her being more promiscuous? What are the possibilities of all these other things surrounding her life that a 16-year-old girl, with hormones raging, can get herself into?"
American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO 80 F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 | Tel. (202) 737-8700 | Fax (202) 639-6492 |
Click here to subscribe

Role of AFGE during Sequestration: Don’t miss this excellent interview of AFGE Public Policy Director Jacque Simon on C-SPAN's national call-in program, "Washington Journal". Simon discussed sequestration and the role of AFGE during this sequestration period. She also debunked several misconceptions about federal employees, unions, and social safety net programs.
The show aired live on Monday, Mar. 4, but you can watch it here.

“Most Americans would be shocked to know that under current law, government contractor employees can charge taxpayers $763,029 per year for salary reimbursements,” the bipartisan trio wrote to Senate Appropriations Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski and Ranking Member Richard Shelby. “The current compensation limit has more than doubled since 2000 and has grown more than 55 percent faster than the rate of inflation. The maximum amount of taxpayer dollars being paid to reimburse contractor employees for salaries not only increased more than $70,000 from the previous year’s limit, it is now nearly double the salary earned by the President of the United States.”
NP Cox Calls on Agencies to Adopt Pentagon’s Insourcing Process: In a testimony before a public meeting conducted by the Office of Management and Budget on the need to finally develop a methodology that would allow agencies to insource in order to save money, AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. called on federal agencies to adopt the Defense Department’s process for cost-based insourcing which Pentagon officials acknowledge has led to significant savings. NP Cox said agencies also need to put an end to an arbitrary cap on the size of the civilian workforce as reducing the number of federal employees without reducing the workload will only lead to the use of expensive contractors, which should be used for short-term work only. Work that must be done by federal employees because it’s so important or sensitive should not be subject to a cost comparison.
Read NP Cox’s excellent testimony here. Other groups that testified included POGO and Business Coalition for Fair Competition, Professional Services Council, and Aerospace Industries of America.
AFGE Calls for Increased Staffing, Pepper Spray Use Throughout Bureau of Prisons: AFGE and its Council of Prison Locals this week called on the Obama administration, Congress and the Bureau of Prisons to immediately increase the bureau’s staffing and expand the use of pepper spray for correctional officers in order to protect staff from a dangerous spike in violence throughout the federal prison system. The call for action comes as the union mourns the loss of a correctional officer killed in the line of duty. Eric Williams, 34, died on Feb. 25 after being assaulted by an inmate with a homemade weapon at the United States Penitentiary– Canaan in northeastern Pennsylvania. In the wake of Williams’ death, BOP has agreed to expand its pepper spray pilot program to all high security institutions – an increase from the seven facilities currently testing the program.
“The expansion of the pilot program is a good first step and something we’ve supported for years, ”AFGE National President J. David Cox Sr. said. “But it’s outrageous that an officer had to lose his life in order for the change to take place.”

“It’s time for you to send a clear message and restore Dr. Washington’s evaluation and her duties,” NP Cox wrote in a Feb. 26 letter to Secretary Shinseki. “Your continued failure to address this issue sends just the opposite message. Lack of action from the highest levels of the VA is perhaps contributing to a management culture in which a management official at the Pittsburgh VA felt emboldened to tell our Local President Kathi Dahl that she could simply (and falsely) tell Congress she was sick and not testify [about the Legionnaire’s outbreak].”
FAA to Close 173 Air Traffic Control Towers April 7: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has plans to close 173 of its 251 air traffic control towers operated by contractors at smaller airports on April 7 in response to the sequestration cuts. The FAA would consider removing towers from the list on a case by case basis if the operators can give them a good reason to keep the towers open, according to Spenser Dickerson, executive director of the U.S. Contract Tower Association.
AFGE Joins Legal Brief Against Defense of Marriage Act: In a friend of the court legal brief filed this week, AFGE joined with the AFL-CIO and other labor organizations in urging the U.S. Supreme Court to declare the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional. The case under review, Windsor v. United States, involves New York resident Edie Windsor. Ms. Windsor sued the federal government after DOMA caused her to receive unequal tax treatment because of her same-sex marriage. DOMA forbids the federal government from treating married same-sex couples the same as other married couples with regards to taxes and many other benefits.
Unions, Hotels Join Forces to Train Workers for Jobs on Las Vegas Strip: It’s hard to break into the hospitality industry in Las Vegas. That’s why 26 properties have partnered with the Culinary Workers Union/United Here Local 226 and Bartenders Union/United Here Local 165 to offer vocational classes to prepare students for jobs on the Strip with good wages, opportunities for career advancement, and health and retirement benefits. The partnership, known as The Culinary Academy of Las Vegas, has offered classes ranging from Vocational English for speakers of other languages to food preparing, serving, and catering. The academy has trained more than 35,000 people since its beginnings in 1993. For the list of classes and tuition info, click here.
This Week in Labor History: March 4, 1801 - In his inaugural address, President Thomas Jefferson declares: “Take not from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.”
This Week’s Tweet: “The final report is in: The U.S. wasted *billions* rebuilding Iraq” @thinkprogress
Inside Government: Tune in now to AFGE’s “Inside Government” as the union’s members speak out on the dangers of sequestration. The show, which originally aired on Friday, March 1, is now available on demand.
AFGE Housing and Urban Development Council 222 President Eddie Eitches
detailed the devastating impact sequestration would have on formerly
homeless, low income and disabled individuals and also discussed the
council’s work with management to negotiate benefits for employees.
Joe Gonzales,
president of Department of Defense Local 2142, then addressed
sequestration’s effects on DOD, the civilian workforce and military.
AFGE Bureau of Prisons Local 1112 President Mike Schnobrich and Steward April Bennett discussed health services staffing concerns throughout BOP.
Transportation Security Administration Local 778 Executive Vice President Bobby Newsome provided a closer look at AFGE’s collective bargaining agreement with TSA and some of the contract’s top benefits for employees.

"There's a 16-year-old girl in this whole mix now. Guess what? What are the possibilities of her being more promiscuous? What are the possibilities of all these other things surrounding her life that a 16-year-old girl, with hormones raging, can get herself into?"
American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO 80 F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001 | Tel. (202) 737-8700 | Fax (202) 639-6492 |
Click here to subscribe
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Who Are These Monopoly Men Controlling Everything?
By Michael Snyder (The Economic Collapse Blog | Original Link)

In early America, most states had strict laws governing the size and scope of corporations. Individuals and small businesses thrived in such an environment, and the United States experienced a period of explosive economic growth. We showed the rest of the world that capitalism really works, and we eventually built the largest middle class that the world had ever seen.
But now we have replaced capitalism with something that I like to call “corporatism”. In many ways, it shares a lot of characteristics with communism, and that is why nations such as communist China have embraced it so readily. Under “corporatism”, monolithic predator corporations run around sucking up as much wealth and economic power as they possibly can. Most individuals and small businesses cannot compete and end up getting absorbed by the corporations. These mammoth collectivist institutions are in private hands rather than in government hands (as would be the case under a pure form of communism), but the results are pretty much the same either way. A tiny elite at the top gets almost all of the economic rewards.
There are some out there that would suggest that the answer to our problems is to move more in the direction of “socialism”, but to be honest that wouldn’t be the solution to anything. It would just change how the table scraps that the rest of us are getting are distributed.
If we truly wanted a return to prosperity, we need to dramatically shift the rules of the game so that they are tilted back in favor of individuals and small businesses. A much more pure form of capitalism would mean more wealth, less poverty and a more equitable distribution of the economic rewards in this country.
But it will never happen. Most of our politicians are married to the big corporations and the wealthy elitists that fund their campaigns. And most Americans are so uneducated that they believe that what we actually have today is “capitalism” and that the only alternative is to go “to the left” toward socialism.
Very few people out there are suggesting that we need to greatly reduce the power of the federal government and greatly reduce the power of the big corporations, but that is exactly what we need to do. We need to give individuals and small businesses room to breathe once again.
With each passing year, things get even worse. In fact, the founder of Subway Restaurants recently said that the environment for small businesses is so toxic in America today that he never would have been able to start Subway if he had to do it today.
For much more on how small business is being strangled to death in the United States, please see my previous article entitled “We Are Witnessing The Death Of Small Business In America“.
What I want to do now is to discuss some of the results that “corporatism” is producing in America.
First of all, we continue to see incomes go down even though we live in an inflationary economy.
As Time Magazine recently reported, personal incomes took a huge nosedive during the month of January…
Data released by the Commerce Department last week showed that personal income fell 3.6% in January, the biggest decline in 20 years. The drop was even bigger when taxes and inflation are taken into account. Real personal disposable income fell by 4%, the biggest monthly drop in half a century.But this is part of a longer term trend. Median household income in the U.S. has declined for four consecutive years, and it is now significantly lower than it was all the way back in 2001…
Real median US household income — that’s “real,” as in “adjusted for inflation” — was $50,054 in 2011, the most recent data available from the US Census Bureau. That’s 8% lower than the 2007 peak of $54,489.Meanwhile, big corporations are absolutely raking in the cash. The following is from a recent New York Times article…
Today, corporate profits as a percentage of U.S. GDP are at an all-time high, but wages as a percentage of U.S. GDP are near an all-time low.“So far in this recovery, corporations have captured an unusually high share of the income gains,” said Ethan Harris, co-head of global economics at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. “The U.S. corporate sector is in a lot better health than the overall economy. And until we get a full recovery in the labor market, this will persist.”The result has been a golden age for corporate profits, especially among multinational giants that are also benefiting from faster growth in emerging economies like China and India.
Just check out the following chart. Corporate profits have absolutely exploded over the past decade…

Meanwhile, wages as a percentage of GDP continue to fall rapidly…

Most of the jobs being created in America today are “low wage” jobs. Tens of millions of Americans are working as hard as they can only to find that they can barely put food on the table and provide a roof over the heads of their children. The ranks of the “working poor” are exploding and the middle class continues to shrink.
Many of you that are reading this article are members of the working poor. You know what it is like to stare up at your ceiling at night wondering how you are going to pay the bills next month.
Today, most Americans are living very close to the edge financially. A recent article by NBC News staff writer Allison Linn shared some of their stories. The following is one example…
Crystal Dupont knows what it’s like to try to live on the federal minimum wage.Sadly, the number of Americans that are “just barely” surviving continues to grow.
Dupont has no health insurance, so she hasn’t seen a doctor in two years. She’s behind on her car payments and has taken out pawn shop and payday loans to cover other monthly expenses. She eats beans and oatmeal when her food budget gets low.
When she got her tax refund recently, she used the money to get ahead on her light bill.
“I try to live within my means, but sometimes you just can’t,” said Dupont, 25. The Houston resident works 30 to 40 hours a week taking customer service calls, earning between $7.25 and $8 an hour. That came to about $15,000 last year.
It’s a wage she’s lived on for a while now, but just barely.
But if corporate profits are soaring to unprecedented heights, then who is getting all of those rewards?
The monopoly men of the global elite are.
Just check out the following video which does a great job of illustrating how corporatism has systematically funneled all of the economic rewards in our system to the very top…
Once again, I want to make it very clear that I am not advocating socialism as the answer in any way, shape or form. Socialism takes away the incentive to create wealth and it almost always results in almost all of the economic rewards going to a very tiny elite anyway.
As I said earlier, what we need is a return to a much more pure form of capitalism, but this is so foreign to the way that most people think that most people will not be able to grasp this.
It certainly would be possible to greatly reduce the power of the federal government and greatly reduce the power of the big corporations at the same time, but this is so “outside the box” for most people that they cannot even conceive of doing such a thing.
We need to create an environment where individuals and small businesses can thrive once again. But instead, most of us are content to continue “playing the game” and getting enslaved in even more debt.
For example, according to CNBC, auto loans just continue to get larger and continue to get stretched out for longer periods of time…
American car buyers, attracted by new models and cheap financing, are taking out bigger auto loans and stretching out the terms of those loans to a new record length.What will they think of next?
New analysis from Experian Automotive shows the average new car loan in the fourth quarter of last year was $26,691 and stretched out over an average of 65 months. The length of the average loan is one month longer than the previous record set in the third quarter of last year.
Will we eventually have auto loans that get paid off over 10 years?
By the way, that is another way that the monopoly men of the global elite get all of our money. They enslave us to debt, and we spend year after year of our lives slaving away to make them even wealthier.
They are very smart. There is a reason why they have 32 TRILLION dollars stashed away in offshore tax havens. They know how to play the game, and they are very happy that most of the rest of us are asleep.
Fortunately, it appears that an increasing number of Americans are waking up.
For example, I wanted to share with you all an excerpt from a comment that one of my readers left on one of my recent articles…
In the past year, I’ve been slowly but surely waking up to the nonsense happening around me. There’s so many things I need to simply get off my chest, so excuse the length of this post. Recently in the past two years, I’ve gotten married and have been medically discharged from the Marines after being injured in Afghanistan. Being 23 years old and married, my goal is secure a secure a future for my family, but with the way things are going, I’m not exactly sure how much of a future we’re going to have in 50 years. I can’t explain it, but I’ve felt this need to change my attitude and motivations lately.Hopefully we can get a lot more people to wake up and start breaking out of “the matrix” of control that is all around us.
I started by turning off the garbage music, television and other mindless entertainment that seems to plague my generation. It was easier than it looked – I don’t miss most of it really. The next order of business was to educate myself on world news, so that’s what I did. Every day, like clockwork, I check all major mainstream news feeds (NBC, Fox, Abc, CNN, Reuters, BBC, etc.) as well as not-so-mainstream news sites – yours being one of them. It’s incredible how fast our world changes and the manner in which it changes. The local 10 o’clock doesn’t show anything but local news, sports, weather, lottery #’s and whatever else they decide to throw in. It’s a night and day difference once you start to actually research and see what’s happening all over the world. Look at the number of comments about a news story on the economy and then look at a celebrity story on the “news”….People are so blind, it truly amazes me. My friends, family and classmates at college seem to be under a spell of some sort. They’re distracted – and it’s contagious. Nobody I know gives a damn about global affairs/economics. They’re more interested in the newest iPhone, cars, shows, movies, and just about anything else you can think of. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with these things, but my friends/family/peers are CONSUMED by these distractions. When the election was taking place in 2012, every Tom, Dick and Harry on Facebook had an opinion and rant. After the circus ended however, everyone simply went back to posting about parties, kittens, Farmville etc. It’s a huge joke. For me, it’s little terrifying and exciting to see history unfolding in front of our eyes. This country of ours is going through big changes now that will most certainly affect our future, so I strive to adapt and prepare myself and my family. I’m looking at buying my first home this summer. Right now I live in an apartment right outside Philly and spend more money on rent than most pay for a mortgage. I need a house with a little land to raise chickens, grow fruits/vegetables, store canned food – and to be as independent from the system as I can. For my job, I wanted a skill/trade that people would always need, so I picked the funeral business. On the side, I work in construction and have been learning everything there is to know about building with my own two hands. I feel as though these old forgotten skills are going to be handy in a short while.
Right now, the system is designed to continually funnel more money and more power to the very top of the pyramid. The global elite are becoming more dominant with each passing day. Unless something dramatic happens, at some point the American people will become so powerless that they won’t be able to do anything about it even if they wanted to.
The idea of a very tiny elite completely dominating all the rest of us goes against everything that America is supposed to stand for. In the end, it will result in absolute tyranny if it is not stopped.
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Who Are These Monopoly Men Controlling Everything?
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Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Pledge to resist Keystone XL:There environmental record in Canada is like the BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Disaster !
This is not the usual CREDO email. With the release last Friday of the State Department's favorable environmental
assessment of the Keystone XL pipeline, we thought long and hard about the right way to respond; to get President Obama's
attention, and to convince him to change course and reject this catastrophic project. Search for "XL Pipeline Canada oil disaster" on YouTube and you will see what they have done to Canada !
Here's what we think is necessary to meet the moment: a pledge to resist Keystone XL and commit civil disobedience if necessary.
It's a big ask. We hope you will read below and carefully consider what we are asking. We hope you will join us in signing
the pledge to resist, and most of all we hope President Obama will reject Keystone XL, so that it will not be necessary to
fulfill our pledge at all.
Thanks for your great passion and commitment in the face of this important fight. It is what has gotten us this far, and
it is our greatest source of hope that we can win.
— Michael Kieschnick, Becky Bond, and the CREDO team
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Dear William,
Last Friday was one of those days that remind us of just how steep a hill to climb this fight against climate change is.
Even with a president who recently professed a lofty goal of getting all
cars off of oil, even with one of our stronger climate-hawk
senators as the new secretary of state, the State Department still
released a joke of an environmental assessment of the
Keystone XL pipeline, taking us one big step closer to approval of this
project that should be a no-brainer of a rejection.1
Obliviously ignoring the consensus among oil executives, bankers, and environmentalists, who all agree that Keystone XL is
central to speeding the extraction of tar sands,2 the State Department found the project is "unlikely to have
a significant impact" on tar sands development. This is coward's logic.
This assessment was a vehicle for the White House to test the waters and see if the public will stand by, and buy this false
and cynical argument that the tar sands will just get burned anyway. That while NASA's chief climate scientist's assertion
that Keystone XL will spell 'game over' for the climate may be true,3 it is essentially irrelevant. That we should
let the bankers and the oil companies profit while the planet inevitably burns.
Well, we won't. And so, last Friday reminded us of something else, too: those two weeks in August of 2011, when the peaceful
and dignified arrest of 1,253 people over two weeks at President Obama's front door effectively stopped what was considered
a virtually guaranteed presidential approval of Keystone XL.
There is still time to convince President Obama to change his mind and reject Keystone XL. But with the president ignoring
every possible sign Mother Nature can send, it is once again incumbent upon us to send a message he can't ignore.
That's why CREDO is joining with Bold Nebraska, The Other 98%, Hip Hop Caucus, Rainforest Action Network, 350, and Oil Change
International to launch the Keystone XL Pledge of Resistance.
It is time for us to pledge to resist. That is, we are asking you to commit — should it be necessary to stop Keystone
XL — to engage in serious, dignified, peaceful civil disobedience that could get you arrested.
If tens of thousands of people stand up as President Obama mulls his
final decision, and commit to participate in civil disobedience
if necessary, we can convince the White House that it will be
politically unfeasible to go forward. That is, our goal is
not to get arrested. Our goal is to stop the Keystone XL pipeline — by
showing enough opposition to Keystone XL that
President Obama will reject it. But if he shows clear signs he that he
is preparing to approve it, we will be ready.
It goes without saying, this isn't a usual ask. It is not for everyone.
So we want you to carefully consider if this is something
you can commit to be a part of.
Here's exactly what we have in mind: With the release of Friday's Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, we will
have 45 days to submit formal comments. And comment we will. We will petition, rally, make phone calls, and comment through
official channels. But that may not be enough.
The moment of truth will come later, at some point likely in the summer, with the release of the Draft National Interest
Determination. If the Obama administration issues a draft finding that Keystone XL is in our national interest, that will
trigger action on our pledge to resist.
So we are asking you to pledge, if necessary after the release of the Draft National Interest Determination, to join with
others in your community and risk arrest in acts of dignified, peaceful civil disobedience all over the country.
Most events will be outside of Washington D.C., because this decision
will affect all of us where we live. So we want to
see the beautiful sight of actions across the nation — including a wide
variety of symbolic targets like State Department
offices, TransCanada corporate lobbies, Obama Organizing for Action
meetings, banks that are financing tar sands oil development,
areas ravaged by Superstorm Sandy, and along the pipeline route. Some
brave souls have started this work already. We need
to support their efforts and make them much, much bigger.
You can pledge to participate or you can pledge to help organize an action in your community. We'll need tons of volunteers.
And soon, we'll announce organizer trainings so local leaders and activists who want to can get the tools they need to organize
an action near them.
You shouldn't make this pledge lightly. We certainly don't ask lightly. We ask in the belief that there are tens of thousands
of people out there who feel as strongly about this as we do, who believe that these circumstances call for extraordinary
action, and want to be part of that action in their community. And we ask with the faith that those who commit to participate
and organize actions will participate only in the most dignified manner. After all, we are the conservatives, standing up
for a safe and secure future for our families. It is those we protest, those who profit from radically altering the chemical
composition of our atmosphere — and the prospects for survival of humanity — who are the radicals.
But what is more frightening than asking you to join us in committing to acts of civil disobedience across the nation, is
the prospect of coming up short in the fight against Keystone XL.
Our time is short to convince President Obama to change his mind. We do not know how many people's pledges, and how many
pledged actions, it will take to convince President Obama to resist the big money, dirty energy, inside-the-beltway pressure
and take a stand to protect our nation from the greatest threat of all.
We hope you can join us. If you are so moved, make the pledge. And share this pledge with friends and family so that those
who are ready and willing to be arrested can be counted in the pledge to resist. We'll send you more information soon.
Becky Bond, Michael Kieschnick & Elijah Zarlin, CREDO Action
Jane Kleeb, Bold Nebraska John Sellers, The Other 98% Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., Hip Hop Caucus Amanda Starbuck, Rainforest Action Network May Boeve & Bill McKibben, Steve Kretzmann, Oil Change International
1. "Keystone XL pipeline would have little impact
on climate change, State Department analysis says" Washington Post, 03/01/13
2. "Keystone XL: In their own words" 3. "Game over for the climate," James Hansen, the New York Times, 5/9/12
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