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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How To Profit From Three "Backdoor Investments" Riding Apple

Dear Sleuther,

"Your decision, if it goes Apple's way, could change the way competition works in this country," said a Samsung attorney to Federal Jurors in San Jose, California, during his closing arguments yesterday.

Apple and Samsung, which control more than half of worldwide smartphone sales, have been in a three week patent dispute for industry supremacy, and the jury is set to deliberate later today.

They'll figure out which Apple patents, if any at all, Samsung infringed upon when it created devices that compete with the iPhone and iPad.

Not only is Apple asking for $2.5 billion in damages from Samsung, but Samsung is seeking $422 million in a countersuit against Apple.

Each wants dominance in a smartphone market that's valued at, according to Bloomberg Industries, $219.1 billion.

It's been suggested that Apple wants to permanently bar Samsung, the largest maker of Android smartphones, from selling products in the United States that violate its patents.

But courtroom cases aren't just happening in the United States...

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This could go down in history as he story of our era.

This trial is only one of many between the two companies on the exact same issues. For example, lawsuits have been filed in Tokyo, Seoul, Germany, Paris, Milan, Australia, and the U.K.

If Apple prevails, the case would give Apple major firing power against Samsung and other rivals, compelling them with stronger incentive to diversify their designs and avoid further legal battles.

All of this is in accordance the late Steve Jobs's intention, which as he told his biographer, was to go "thermonuclear" on Android for copying Apple's designs.
All this comes at an interesting time. Apple is preparing to release the iPhone 5... and if this court case falls in Apple's favor, it could tremendously boost sales of U.S. history's already most valuable company.

It means a lot because, last fiscal year, while the iPod's share shrunk to 6.9 percent of its revenue, the iPhone and iPad accounted for more than 60 percent of its revenue.
If all goes well for Apple, then all will go well for its partners. Here's how to profit from three "backdoor" investments riding the company's next big wave.

"Backdoor Investment" #1: ZAGG, Inc. (NASDAQ:ZAGG)

Among other interesting tidbits that were revealed from the recent trial is that most iPhones aren't nude.

According to an internal consumer survey by Apple presented as evidence during the trial, 78 percent of iPhone users cover their phones with cases.

Zigg designs and manufactures accessories for the smartphone market, and to the best of my knowledge, they're the biggest player for making covers in the U.S. Nobody is in a better position to profit from cover sales when the iPhone 5 debuts.

Zigg also has products for the tablet market as well, which supplement the iPad. After partnering with Logitech (LOGI), they're doing keyboard cases and selling co-branded iPad keyboard cases throughout the Apple Stores.

Since their U.S. patent for protecting electronics with film has a good foothold, their hottest product, the InvisibleShield screen protector, sells to both Apple and Android products, which can be found at any Big Box retailer. It also owns iFrogz, a big case and accessory seller.

"Backdoor Investment" #2: Skullcandy, Inc. (NASDAQ:SKUL)

Like Zigg, Skullcandy sells other smart phone accessories, such as audio branded headphones.

The market for ear buds and headphones is driven by the sale of smartphones--like the iPhone (now with capabilities of an iPod)--which is one of the fastest growing markets of the 21st century.

The last three years revenues were $118 million, $160.5 million, $232.4 million, and projected revenues for 2012 are $280 million... which has consistently beaten consensus estimates since they've been public.

Earnings were $1.00 per share in 2011, and are projected between $1.15 and $1.20 a share in 2012, and around $1.43 in 2013.

Byron King's Outstanding Investments Presents...
World oil production is about to be shaken to its core...
You won't believe which nation analysts at Wall Street's biggest banks expect to become the world's biggest energy producer by 2017 -- or the effect it will have on America... our economy... our future...
Click here to see who is set to become the new king of oil -- and how you can use the news to go for big profits as early as this MAY!

"Backdoor Investment" #3: Cirrus Logic, Inc (NASDAQ:CRUS)

Cirrus provides the sophisticated audio technology that goes into Apple's iPhone's, like the amplification, echo cancellation, and noise suppression attributes.

Apple is responsible for about 70% of Cirrus Logic's revenue, so the upcoming iPhone 5 sales should give Cirrus a huge boost in business, which has happened consistently with such debuts over the past five years.

Cirrus is forecasting sequential revenue growth of 70% to 90%.

The Best Part: Cirrus Logic has no real competition.

Josh Grasmick
Editor, Agora Financial
P.S. These three recommendations just scratch the surface of the "backdoor" investment opportunities available to you. To find a more in-depth analysis of ways to win big profits, click here.

How To Profit From Three "Backdoor Investments" Riding Apple is featured at Penny Sleuth.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Investor Warning: Washington & Beijing to Announce Catastrophe...

Dear Reader,
My name is Larry Edelson and I’ve been a professional financial analyst for the last 33 years.
You may even recognize my name from my appearances in Forbes, or on Bloomberg, CBS Marketwatch, CNBC or some other major financial program or publication.
However, I have recently discovered something that you will NOT hear me (or anyone else) say in any of those venues.
My latest research is far too shocking to get mainstream airplay. My conclusions are far too controversial. And, in fact, I could very well get myself deported, arrested, or even imprisoned by saying these things at all!
You see, I live in Asia right now. My home is a short flight from Shanghai. And I’ve been using a lot of what I’ve learned about China and the rest of Asia to help thousands of people all over the world make better financial decisions.
But I’m still an American first and foremost. I will remain an American citizen to my final breath. My mom, my sister, my brother and my three grown kids all live in the States. I want nothing but the best of everything for them and for my country.
And that’s why I’ve decided to do what I believe is in all of our best interests — and tell the uncensored truth about Washington and Beijing in a free online presentation called The Great Betrayal of 2012.
Sound extreme? It is!
I have uncovered compelling evidence that the Chinese government is conspiring with Washington, D.C. to impoverish you and sentence your children and your grandchildren to lives of financial servitude.
Now please don’t misunderstand: I’m not a political man and this is NOT a political presentation. It’s not about Democrats or Republicans or who should win the U.S. elections in November.
I am a financial and investment analyst. And as such, my ONLY allegiance is to my family and to the individual investors I help.
So I created this presentation for one, simple reason: To give you the truth you need to protect your home, your savings, your investments and your retirement from the single greatest economic crisis in our nation’s history ...
In this presentation, I will show you exactly why Beijing and Washington are working together to bankrupt you.
I will show you how to protect yourself and your family from their scheme to destroy your wealth.
And I will tell you about the four kinds of investments I believe will double your money, then double it yet again in 2012 and beyond.
Again, I know this sounds hard to believe.
But if my three decades as a financial analyst have taught me anything, it’s that terrible things happen when we ignore reality.
And take it from me: There WILL be terrible consequences for those who fail to act on the investment intelligence in this presentation.
The Great Betrayal of 2012 is free to watch, but I must warn you: The facts I report will be disturbing to some investors. Viewer discretion is advised.
Just turn up your computer speakers and click this link; the video will begin playing immediately.
Larry Edelson
P.S. Before you write me off as a complete wacko, at least hear my argument and then decide for yourself. After all, this is not the first time I’ve made a “crazy” prediction that ended up coming true. Just ask anyone who bought gold back when I first started calling for a new bull market in 1999!

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561-625-6685 (Fax)
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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The 5 Worst Memory-Killing Foods You Should NEVER Eat

The 5 Worst Memory-Killing Foods
You Should NEVER Eat

In This Issue:

*Did You Know...?
*Featured Article: The 5 Worst Memory-Killing Foods You Should NEVER Eat
*A Word from Our Sponsor: American Apocalypse 2012

Did You Know...

... that beet juice is an astonishingly effective treatment for leukemia and other cancers?

Beet Juice     The beautiful crimson color of the beet comes from betacyanins, natural compounds that also happen to be extremely powerful cancer-fighting agents.  Beets also contain an amino acid called betaine, packed with anti-cancer properties and unique phytochemicals called betalains.

     All of these nutrients are key to the incredible health properties of the beet.  Betanin, one of the most researched betalains found in beets, has significant anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and detoxifying effects.  According to The World's Healthiest Foods (a website run by the not-for-profit George Mateljan Foundation, devoted to fostering a healthier world), recent lab studies found that betanin pigments can impede tumor cell growth in tissues throughout the body, including the...


     These findings provide a compelling case for further research into the value of betanins and other betalains in preventing and curing cancer.

     Because beets contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecules, it is statistically likely that they can reduce the risk of many kinds of cancers.  The World's Healthiest Foods says, "Eventually, we expect to see large-scale human studies that show the [cancer] risk-reducing effect of dietary beet intake."
So Powerful That 100% of Cancer Patients in one Study
Responded Positively!
A solid scientific basis for that work already exists.  In the 1950s, a Hungarian cancer therapist named Alexander Ferenczi began putting his patients on a regime of raw or juiced beetroots in addition to their normal diet.  He worked exclusively with patients who had already undergone chemotherapy and radiation, and who were primarily in the final (cachexic) stage of cancer.

     All of Ferenczi's patients responded positively to the addition of beets to their diets.  There was a clear, clinical improvement in each and every one of their cancers.  The beet treatment proved to be so powerful, in fact, that in some cases patients actually overdosed on beets!  In some cases, the mass injection of nutrients—especially vitamin C—contained in the beets overloaded the patients' livers.

     So, the takeaway lessons from Ferenczi's work are that:

  • Beets are a more effective cancer treatment when begun early.  In fact, the regular consumption of beets might be most effective as a preventative treatment.
  • To avoid overwhelming your body's waste disposal system, start with small quantities of beetroot and gradually increase.  If you start to feel unwell, reduce your consumption.
Beets Fight Leukemia, Tumors, and Advanced Inoperable Cancers

The results of a later study of "red beet therapy"—the consumption of approximately 2 lbs of raw, mashed beets daily—corroborate Ferenczi's findings and suggest that beets can help your body fight against leukemia and tumors.

     While eating mass quantities of mashed beets may not be the most appealing option, it may be possible to get similar results in a more digestible format.  In one clinical trial, 22 patients with advanced inoperable cancers were given 10 oz. of beet juice daily for 3 to 4 months.  All but one of those patients showed marked improvements in health.  Surely that's enough to make anyone regard beets in a whole new light.

     It seems clear that beets are indeed a mighty health resource.  They are high in folate—a compound necessary for bone health—and not only have they been shown to be a potent anti-cancer treatment, but they also detoxify the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, blood and lymph.  Beets are also helpful for relieving constipation.

How to Get the Best Benefit from Beets

Beet juice is such a strong substance that it should not be consumed on its own.  Rather, mix it into another milder juice such as carrot, cucumber or apple.  Dana Herbert, a natural health blogger, offers this advice to those interested in making beet juice from scratch:

     "When juicing beets, alternate between pieces of beets and pieces of carrots, otherwise the beet pulp tends to build up on the sides of the spinning extraction basket and causes the juicer to vibrate."  Dana also recommends chilling the juice for 2-3 hours prior to consumption.

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Featured Article:
The 5 Worst Memory-Killing Foods
You Should NEVER Eat

After years of scientific debate, the verdict is now clear: what you eat can dramatically boost your memory ... or destroy it.  If you want to stay mentally sharp and keep your brain functioning like it did in college, you need to pay attention not only to what you do eat, but what you don't eat.  That is to say, you need to make sure you're avoiding certain foods.

     Some foods are so toxic it's like dusting your brain with poison every time you eat them!  One such food has come under fire for several reasons: it's loaded with white flour, refined sugars and carbs... it increases gluten intolerance... it contains trans fat, which raises your LDL cholesterol and lowers healthy HDL cholesterol... and it may contain carcinogenic substances like acrylamide!

     Here's a hint: It's a sugary breakfast treat that traditionally has a hole in the middle and comes glazed, sprinkled or powder.  If you guessed a donut, you're right, and it's toxic to your brain and body.

     Donuts, along with many other foods that are part of the typical American diet, are high in white flours, sugars, trans-fats and sodium.

     They raise glucose levels too quickly, which triggers a surge of insulin. This makes your brain slow down and become sluggish. Over the long term, these toxic foods impair your focus, worsen memory and even raise your risk of Alzheimer's!

But I've Already Eaten My Fair Share of Donuts... Now What?!

The good news is that while scientists used to believe the brain could never really heal itself from past damage, exciting new research says just the opposite.

     A study by Harvard researchers found that your brain can develop new pathways, generate new neurons, and build and maintain mass ... at any age!  All this can be accomplished with simple, easy mental stimulation tricks that allow you to make and store memories and learn new things.

     These easy techniques may even protect you from the devastating Alzheimer's epidemic.

Easy, Fast Tricks Bring Big improvements

     Groundbreaking new research has revealed many other easy and powerful ways to improve your memory ... feel sharper and less stressed ... think more clearly ... and even prevent and reverse certain types of dementia.

     After as little as 4 weeks of minimal effort, you can start recalling names, phone numbers, shopping lists, and other information just as easily as you did 10 or even 20 years ago.

The Alzheimer's Epidemic

If you don't know someone with Alzheimer's already, chances are you will.  This devastating epidemic is claiming a new victim every 69 seconds.

  1-in-8 Americans age 65 or older have Alzheimer's
  Nearly half of Americans age 85 or older have Alzheimer's
  More than 200,000 people under age 65 have early-onset
      Alzheimer's, so it's not just an "old people's" disease

     Alzheimer's is the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S.  It's now the 5th leading cause for people over age 65—right behind heart disease, cancer, and our other biggest killers.

     Tragically, once senility strikes, your doctor has NO "miracle drug" that can cure you and make your brain work like it used to.

     While Alzheimer's wipes out your life savings, you deteriorate before your loved ones' eyes ... becoming incontinent and increasingly hopeless in the face of your daily loss of brain function, the inability to recognize family or friends or even yourself.

     But you don't have to be a victim.

Easy Exercises Help Build a "Super Brain" ... and Protect You from Alzheimer's

Science has proven a myriad of ways to build a super brain ... naturally, safely, and easily, with physician-approved techniques and natural substances such as the following...

The Anti-Alzheimer's Power Food:  In a well-known Rotterdam study in the Netherlands, researchers found that people who ate this food once each week had a 60 percent reduction in the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

The "Candy" Cure for Alzheimer's:  This sweet treat contains a phytonutrient called quercetin that's been proven in studies to reverse memory loss.  But you need to consume the right kind and the right quantity to gain the benefit.

The Vegetable that Halts Memory Loss:  In a 25-year study of 13,000 women, Harvard Medical School researchers found those who ate the highest amounts of this vegetable had the lowest rates of memory loss as they aged.

The Amazing 6,000-Year-Old Memory Secret:  Nearly 6,000 years ago, a group of holy men in India called the Rishi were famous for their remarkable ability to reel off hours of prayer and recite epic poems for days on end—the equivalent of 9,000 pages of material—completely from memory, without pausing.  They credited their astounding memory powers to a wild herb that grew on the banks of the sacred River Ganges.  Thousands of years later, modern scientists began to study this plant.  And now, at least 14 scientific studies show this ancient herb really works!

Herb That Boosts Memory and Learning with Nearly 100% Success:  In a clinical trial in Australia, nearly everyone given this herb for 3 months improved his/her ability to learn new information without forgetting it a few days later.

The Supplement that Cuts 12 Years Off "Brain Age":  One study found people who took this supplement noticed a dramatic improvement in memory and mental performance after just 3 weeks.  And in another study, people who took this supplement actually cut 12 years off their "brain age"—meaning they performed as if they were 12 years younger!  Amazing!

Stanford Discovers Natural Alzheimer's Cure:  Stanford University School of Medicine did a study of 334 Alzheimer's patients.  The researchers were stunned to discover that the people who took this supplement became less forgetful and showed fewer signs of mental decline than those taking a "sugar pill" placebo.  No other drug or conventional therapy can do this! Yet this natural supplement can.

Dramatically Improve Your Own Brain Power in Just 4 Short Weeks

No one deserves to ever have to suffer from the devastating, progressive effects of memory loss and dementia.  And it all starts with taking steps now to improve your memory, boost your brain power, and free yourself from those "senior moments."

     Even if you're not worried about memory problems right now, you'll be amazed how much better your mental performance becomes and the extra edge these simple tricks can give you at work or in pursuing your personal hobbies and passions.  If you have a family history of dementia, or you have any other condition that dramatically raises your risk of memory problems—including high blood pressure or diabetes—or you're overweight or smoke cigarettes, then it's even more urgent that you take action.

     You can protect yourself right now—today, without harmful drugs or treatments.  This free video presentation will reveal easy, yet powerful, ways to help you quickly improve your memory, feel sharper and less stressed, and think more clearly.  You'll discover how to prevent and reverse memory loss while regaining the ability to recall names, phone numbers, shopping lists, and other information as easily as you did decades ago.

     This priceless information can keep you mentally sharp, agile, and at the top of your game, thriving independently well into your 80s, 90s, even 100s.  One of the steps is an easy dietary adjustment: Put that donut down and discover 4 other foods that are just as harmful to your concentration, memory and cognitive abilities.  Click here for the simple, natural and inexpensive remedies that can dramatically improve your brain function today!

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A Word from Our Sponsor:

American Apocalypse 2012

Social Security: TERMINATED.
Medicare: CANCELLED.
Our cities: ABLAZE.
Our families: ENDANGERED.

     Startling new video evidence that Washington is preparing to confiscate your wealth and abolish many of your most cherished personal liberties ...

     Click here to watch...

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