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Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas Songs from All Over The World

I had to post some of my favorite Christmas songs. The last time I did this Google decided I was spamming which is ridiculous. How could beautiful Christmas songs be considered spam? Well, that is the brain of Google's algorithms, a bot's brain.
So with no further review:

I just found this YouTube video on
JTAP e Aeroporto de Lisboa ao rubro!

A TAP Portugal e a ANA desejaram hoje as Boas Festas aos passageiros no Aeroporto de Lisboa de uma forma original! - VĂ­deo Oficial

TAP Portugal and ANA wished their passengers a Merry Christmas at Lisbon Airport in an unique way! - Official Video.

Jose Feliciano's Felice Navidad

We Wish You A Merry Christmas by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Christmas songs from Germany - From Heaven Above to Earth I Come (Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her)

Dominick The Italian Christmas Donkey song

"Dominick the Donkey is a well known Christmas song written by Ray Allen and Lou Monte and first sung by Lou Monte in 1960. For decades the song was only occasionally heard. Oldies 103.3 WODS of Boston, Massachusetts and WCBS-FM in New York are common stations that play the song around Christmas . It was perceived to be too novel for the softer music stations and too old or corny for CHR/Top 40 stations. But beginning in the early 1990's, more contemporary artists began to record Christmas music. As a result, younger skewing radio stations began to feature more Christmas music on their stations, even going wall to wall on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. While there were more Top 40 core artists doing Christmas music by 1992, the stations still needed to play older artists to supplement the newer Christmas music. A few stations found this song and began mixing it into their Christmas rotations. The song got very positive feedback and as a result, this song began to gain airplay in many formats. Many people assume it was a recent recording and do not realize this song has been around for over 40 years. "

Christmas songs from Germany - Snow falls softly at night (Leise rieselt der Schnee)

MERRY CHRISTMAS SONG - Italian Lyrical Choir TRIPUDIUM "Tu scendi dalle Stelle"

An Italian popular Christmas Song "Tu scendi dalle stelle" (From Starry Skies Thou Comest, From Starry Skies Descending, You Came a Star from Heaven, You come down from the stars) performance by the Italian lyrical "CHOIR TRIPUDIUM" during a general REHEARSAL for Christmas time 2008 in Italy.
Christmas songs by the TRIPUDIUM Choir singing the Italian holiday music song "TU SCENDI DALLE STELLE", an Italian music for Christmas time. The Tripudum Chorus executed this song as general Christmas concert rehearsal of Italian Christmas time music. The choir is part of the Italian Associazione IL BEL CANTO directed by the Maestro Mario CananĂ .


Dec. 2009 - Christmas Carols/Colinde de Craciun, Sydney - Australia

Romanian Orthodox Christmas Carol-Nativity of Jesus Christ

Ukrainian Christmas Carol

traditional Ukrainian Christmas songs by noviyriven January 12, 2008

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

China Pollution Problem

The Top 10 Causes of the Chinese Pollution Problem
by Jamie Ellis, Whiskey & Gunpowder

"As the 2008 Beijing Olympics approach, the subject of China’s pollution problems has recently garnered a great deal of attention. Clearly, China has a problem with its air and water pollution. Something must be done, but before a real solution can be instituted, we must first understand the causes. Here is a list of the 10 most important causes of Chinese pollution.

China Pollution Cause #10: Price Fixing of Chinese Gasoline Costs
As China shifts from its traditional communist economic system to a more market-based approach, prices for almost all goods and services have been released by the government and allowed to float freely in the market. One of the few exceptions to this fundamental change has been the price of fuel. The Chinese government still puts ceilings on the price of gasoline, and the price recently rose for only the first time since May 2006. Not only does the government regulate the price, but it also penalizes anyone who sells gasoline above the ceiling. This artificially cheap gasoline is promoting its use at the very time when consumption should be curbed. World oil prices have reached record levels everywhere else, yet the one country that is just beginning to consume gasoline and oil at an incredible rate is still buying it for prices Americans haven’t seen since the turn of this century.

China Pollution Cause #9: The Shipping of Chinese Merchandise
As China continues producing and exporting more and more goods, more and more ships are needed to transport all that cargo. Currently, 90% of the world’s merchandise travels across oceans. The world’s — especially the U.S.’ — appetite for imported goods from China has shown no sign of weakening. There is still no universal standard for the fuel being used by these ships, which tends to typically be quite cheap and dirty. If a universal standard could somehow be adopted, the consistent rise in shipping demand would counterbalance any improvements made by tougher standards. While this pollution problem is not solely limited to China, the majority of the situation is certainly born there.

China Pollution Cause #8: Natural Aerosols
Natural and man-made aerosols reaching the atmosphere are never a good thing for the climate. Brought on by everything from volcano eruptions to desert winds, aerosol particles reaching the atmosphere can play havoc with the temperatures and weather patterns of surrounding areas. China, as well as other Asian countries, has this problem worse than other countries around the globe. Because of the vast deserts of Asia, strong winds carry silt and other particles into the atmosphere and the particles collect over the Pacific Ocean. For China specifically, recent deforestation that came about as the economy grew has also produced a more-than-ideal amount of aerosol particles.

China Pollution Cause #7: We Can’t Stop Buying Their Products
One of the biggest reasons for China’s recent economic surge has been the availability of labor and the willingness to produce all the products that we in the West use every day. China recently passed the United States as the largest emitter of carbon in the world, and that could be due to the fact that nearly everything we use these days is being made in China. If your cell phone, iPod, and children’s toys are all being produced in China, why would the United States have to pollute at all? We’ve passed our pollution to China, and China’s passed its products right back.

China Pollution Cause #6: White Pollution
Like those in many other industrialized nations, Chinese shoppers are used to carrying flimsy petroleum-based plastic bags from grocery stores and markets. Given the magnitude of China’s population, these bags have become an environmental nuisance. Not only has the sheer number of discarded plastic bags become a civic eyesore and a pollution product for many lakes and streams, but the bags are also using up precious resources. Their production uses the limited amount of petroleum the country has. Recently, the government banned the use of these bags in an effort to clean up cities in preparation for the Beijing Olympic Games.

China Pollution Cause #5: The Link Between the Chinese Yuan and the U.S. Dollar
Over the past several months, the value of the U.S. dollar has begun to drop. Inflation appears to be on the rise as the prices of houses are falling. The U.S. dollar has entered a dire period and it’s taking the Chinese yuan right along for the ride. This has little impact on the Chinese themselves, but for the millions of Asians from neighboring countries that travel through China, this is having a huge effect. Chinese fuel, which we’ve already learned is fixed at a low price, is also priced in American dollars. This means that if a Thai businessman is traveling to Beijing, he can fuel his car for much cheaper than anyone else if he is paying in the Thai currency, the baht. The baht has never been higher compared with the dollar as it is right now.

China Pollution Cause #4: Rising Oil Prices
While gasoline prices for consumers remain fixed in China, the fuel being used by the factories that produce all the products is still being purchased at market prices. As the prices of oil and electricity continue to rise, Chinese industrial plants have no choice but to turn to the cheaper, yet much more environmentally harmful, coal. The demand for Chinese-produced goods will be too much for Chinese factories to switch back to oil. The byproducts of the coal-burning plants add much more air pollution than you would see from another form of energy.

China Pollution Cause #3: Changing Transportation Needs
The industrial revolution in China over the past several years has been nothing short of extraordinary. The economy that was once light-years behind the West has now joined us, and joined with vigor. As millions of rural citizens begin living and working in much more modern conditions, the environment is struggling to welcome them. Many Chinese who once simply worked in agriculture and used primitive forms of transportation are now commuting to the cities and metropolitan areas. This just adds to the growing problem.

China Pollution Cause #2: A Lack of Governmental Control
It seems odd, but while the Chinese government has historically controlled everything, the one thing it has not been good at controlling has been the country’s own pollution problem. Factories and companies are fined a small amount for their water and air pollution, but many companies find it cheaper to continue polluting and pay the fine, rather than make significant changes to their production. Recently, the government has considered using a much more capitalistic approach. Soon it may be instituting the kind of cap and trade system that we have been exploring in the U.S. Under that system, companies would receive pollution credits that they could trade with other companies. If a company wanted to continue polluting, they would simply need to buy enough credits.

China Pollution Cause #1: China Simply Grew Too Fast

As the Chinese economy opened and the Chinese way of life became increasingly more modern, the citizens and businesses in the country rushed to experience modern life. Factories and skyscrapers appeared nearly instantly, while millions of bicyclists began driving their first automobiles. The incredible new levels of productivity meant that more people than ever could now afford to pollute just like the rest of the industrialized nations of the world. Now the country with the largest population is able to affect the environment just as we do, and it is using its record numbers of people to add record levels of pollution.

If you would like to learn more about the Chinese pollution problem, as well as other environmental and energy concerns that the world faces today, sign up for our FREE daily e-letter Whiskey & Gunpowder. It won’t cost a thing, and your subscription will begin immediately.

Jamie Ellis, Whiskey & Gunpowder

P.S. While it seems daunting, the Chinese pollution problem is solvable. The costs and harmful byproducts of our current forms of energy have only gotten worse. Luckily, some governments are starting to focus on cleaning up the environment using cheaper, renewable resources. This report illustrates the exciting new developments happening right now. Plus you won’t have to go to the other side of the world to find them. To access your report click here."It will cost you $1,495 a year,so forget it for now.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Howard Zinn - Dramatic presentation of the People's History of the United States on the History Channel

Hi All:
Bill Moyers interviewed Howard Zinn and NASA Unlocking Secrets of the Universe,

Bill Moyers interviewed Howard Zinn, historian emeritus of Boston University, on PBS last night about the History Channel's presentation this Sunday night from 8:00 to 10:00 pm. They played clips from the program and it looks fabulous. Thought you would like to know.

For any of you not familiar with Zinn, his history is written from the point of view of ordinary people rather than from that of the powerful - a radical approach to history.

Mary White

NASA's "Alien Eyes" - Unlocking Secrets of the Universe


"Our personal window on the Universe is terribly small within a stunnng range of wavelengths. With our eyes we see wavelengths between 0.00004 and 0.00008 of a centimeter (where, not so oddly, the Sun and stars emit most of their energy). The human visual spectrum from violet to red is but one octave on an imaginary electromagnetic piano with a keyboard hundreds of kilometers long."

James Kaler, astronomer and author of "Heavens Gate: From Killer Stars to the Seeds of Life, How We are Connected to the Universe."

The image below is an infrared photo of M82 is a remarkable galaxy of peculiar type in constellation Ursa Major. It is usually classified as irregular, though probably a distorted disk galaxy, and famous for its heavy star-forming activity, thus a prototype member of the class of starbursting galaxies. In the infrared light, M82 is the brightest galaxy in the sky; it exhibits a so-called infrared excess, being much brighter at infrared wavelengths than in the visible part of the spectrum. Over 100 young globular clusters have been discovered in M82 with the Hubble Space Telescope. Their formation is probably another effect triggered by a tidal encounter with M81 between 50 and several 100 million years ago.

Lores Much of what you see above is outside our human visual band, our eyes cannot register wave photons no matter how powerful they may be. Longer that the visual wavelength limit -up to about a millimeter-lies the infrared. At the short end is violet, with orange, yellow, green, blue and hundreds of overlapping shades. Longer waves, into kilometer-wavelengths toward the unknown end are what we call "radio." 

Shorter than the visual limit are the ultrviolet -all running in the vacuum at the speed of light. At less than a percent of the wavelength of visual light are X rays, and at a factor of 100 smaller are the deadly gamma rays.

One of the great achievements of modern astronomy is the entersion of "human sight" -opening the electromagnetic spectrum to our view and discovery beginning in the 1930s with radio estronomy and ending with NASA's great fleet of space observatories and the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (FGST, formerly GLAST), working to unveil the mysteries of the high-energy universe. Launched into orbit on June 11, FGST studies the most energetic particles of light, observing physical processes far beyond the capabilities of earthbound laboratories..

A composite of our Milky Way's core is compsed of images from the Hubble Space Telescope in near-infrared light, the Spitzer Space Telescope in infrared light, and the Chandra X-ray Observatory in X-ray light. A mosaic of vast star fields is visible, along with dense star clusters, long filaments of gas and dust, expanding supernova remnants, and the energetic surroundings of what likely is our Galaxy's central black hole. 


Casey Kazan

Source: NASA/Hubble

Monday, December 7, 2009

Remember Pearl Harbor & Don't Forget Our 3 Navy Seals !

If Pearl Harbor was not a travesty of justice enough,intelligence
officials identified one al-Quaida operative by the name of
Ahmed Hashim Abed who is the master-mind behind the murder and
maimings of four American Blackwater security agents. After 5
years of searching three Navy Seals,Special Warfare Operators
2nd Class Matthew McCabe and Jonathan Keefe and Special
Warfare Operator 1st Class Julio Huertas captured this

These 3 Navy heros will now be dragged into a criminal court
marshal,charged with delivering a punch to the terrorist! So
tell me,you Navy lawyer scumbags, how do capture a terrorist?
with a plastic bag? with whispering in his ear? How is it
humanly possible to capture a terrorist without some mild
form of physical restraint? You put an extra blanket around
him when he's sleeping and then ask him to put his slippers
before a little sit-down interview? The three Navy Seals
were charged based on slanderous accusations of one of the
most-wanted terrorists on the Joint Terrorist Task Force's
Watch List.

As Michele McPhee pointed out so well in her article :
"Reminder: Don't Trust Terrorists in the Opinion column
of,"When does the word of a man who has declared
war on the United States count more than statements made
by our military? The real testimony to their professionalism
and restraint, frankly,is the fact that Abed was captured
without gunshot wounds or broken bones by these trained
commandos. Still,two of the three Seals find themselves
in a criminal courtroom today. The third will be arraigned
at a later date."

"Last week Congress held a hearing on the White House
party crashers", Michaela and Tareq Salahi which I
consider justified. Now THE CONGRESS NEEDS to HOLD a
were not lies,how does anyone catch a terrorists without
some kind of force? I WANT EVERYONE TO CALL THEIR
By the way,I'm a Democrat with 16 years in
the military and whoever is in charge of Naval Attorneys
NEEDS TO GET A GRIP ON REALITY. Have they been reading
al-Quaeda law? Or was ACORN involved in this decision?

It is much more likely that Elin Nordegren smashed Tiger
Wood's in the mouth with his golf club when she found out
he had been doing 4 bimbos and Tiger was running away
in his car like a girly-man than these 3 oustanding Navy
heros did anything wrong by possibly using a little
force to capture a terrorist !!

Support our troops or the terrorists will be in your
backyard !! Call your Senators and your
Congressma/Woman NOW!!

Taken from

is ready to accept donations.
Please send donations to U.S. Navy SEAL/Warrior Defense Fund,
Acct. #435020290711 c/o Bank of America P.O. Box F Ft. Eustis, VA 23604

DONATIONS CAN ALSO BE MADE AT ANY BANK OF AMERICA with the Fund name and account number.
Donations will be used to defray legal costs and expenses of the 3 Navy SEALs charged with abusing the mastermind of the March 2004 torture and mutilation of the security guards (former SEALs and Army Rangers) in Falluja. We will continue to maintain this fund and accept donations to be used for any SEAL or special operator charged with combat-related infractions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Floor Speech From Congressman Ted Poe (R-TX) on 12.01.09:


Washington, Dec 1 -

Mr. Speaker, the Navy SEALs are the United States Navy’s elite commandos. And last week we learned that they captured one of the most wanted terrorists in all of Iraq. Ahmed Hashim Abed was behind the murder and mutilation of four Blackwater USA security guards in Fallujah in the year 2004. This ringleader of this ambush planned the murder of these four Americans in Fallujah. And these four Blackwater security guards, what they were doing was transporting supplies from one place to another.

So he had planned, Abed had planned an ambush against these individuals. They are ambushed. They are murdered. The bodies of these four murdered Americans were then dragged through the streets, burned and hung from a bridge in Fallujah. Mr. Speaker, I’ve been to that very bridge in the year 2005, and you still have an eerie feeling knowing that four Americans were hung there in public view. The U.S. military, by the way, has put a plaque on that bridge in honor of those security guards.

And so congratulations are in order to the Navy SEALs who captured the mastermind behind this ambush and the murder of these four Americans. We should be celebrating this achievement, and these Navy SEALs should be getting medals for their work doing what we’ve asked them to do. But that’s not what is happening, Mr. Speaker. The military has decided to court-martial the Navy SEALs. It seems that this terrorist, Abed, claimed that he was punched in the mouth by the Navy SEALs, and he wants justice. He wants American justice.

You know, it’s the same mouth that preaches hate in the name of religion, the same mouth that demands death to America, the same big mouth that ordered the murder of the four Americans. So the SEALs must answer to this accusation by a terrorist that they captured. After all, the terrorist must have some of that American justice. Next thing we know, we’ll be giving these terrorists on the battlefield their Miranda warnings. Oh, we already do that.

Well, then after that, they’re going to want to be tried in civilian courts in the United States. But we’re already doing that as well. Have we gone a bit too far with the kid glove treatment that we treat these madmen, these terrorists, these people who kill Americans?

The nation is at war, Mr. Speaker. You know, punching occurs in war. Shooting also occurs in war. Instead of a court-martial, the SEALs should be dispatched to go and capture another terrorist. But that’s not happening. They are going to be court-martialed because some terrorist supposedly got a bruised mouth.

The SEALs in question are Matthew McCabe, he’s a special operations petty officer second class; Petty Officer Jonathan Keefe; and Petty Officer Julio Huertas. They are going to be court-martialed because some terrorist alleges they got punched in the mouth.

It’s ironic, Mr. Speaker, that the SEALs will be arraigned next Monday, December 7. December 7, everybody in the United States Navy remembers that day. See, it’s been 68 years since the Navy and America was attacked on December the 7th at Pearl Harbor. And now these individuals, ironically, will be arraigned that day.

Mr. Speaker, can you imagine someone in World War II, a soldier, a marine, somebody in the United States Navy, being tried for punching an enemy combatant in the mouth during World War II? You know, we should be commending the Navy SEALs for doing the job that we’ve asked them to do. They’re the best that we have in this country. We’ve asked them to do tough assignments, and we should be supporting them. The terrorists ought to be on trial for murdering Americans. And the Navy SEALs ought to be getting medals for doing what we have asked them to do. And I say congratulations to the Navy SEALs for a job well done.

And that’s just the way it is."

Friday, December 4, 2009

Health Care Negotiations in the Senate

Right now, Senate Democrats are locked in round-the-clock negotiations that could decide the fate of the public health insurance option.1 A deal could come within days.2

But while a handful of conservatives are making headlines with proposals to gut the public option, just one or two senators could upset the balance of power by refusing to give up on it. That's why all of us need to speak out right away—before a deal is cut.

Senator Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia has been a vocal supporter of the public option, and he could be the health care hero we need to win this fight. We don't usually ask you to call senators from other states, but in a moment like this, he needs to hear from progressives across the country who are counting on him to save the public option.

Can you call Sen. Rockefeller? Tell him you're a progressive who wants him to save the public option from being negotiated away, and ask that he support the health care bill only if a real public option is included.

Here's where to call:

Senator Jay Rockefeller

Then, please report your call by clicking here

Conservative Democrats like Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman have gotten a lot of attention by threatening to block health care reform over the public option.3 But progressive senators are also included in these negotiations, and Majority Leader Harry Reid needs the support of every Democrat for the bill—including Jay Rockefeller.4
That's why we've got to make sure Sen. Rockefeller knows that grassroots progressives across the country are counting on him to save the public health insurance option—and that we'll remember his leadership in the future.

To influence the outcome of these negotiations, Sen. Rockefeller needs to be crystal clear with Sen. Reid that he will support the health care bill only if it includes a real public health insurance option that's available immediately.

Can you call Sen. Rockefeller right now?

Here's where to call:

Senator Jay Rockefeller

Then, please report your call by clicking here:

Thanks for all you do.

–Kat, Joan, Michael, Marika, and the rest of the team


1. "With Health Reform At Stake, Senators Scramble To Reach Public Option Compromise," Talking Points Memo, December 3, 2009

2. "Landrieu floats public option alternative," Politico, December 3, 2009

3. "Lieberman: Sure, I'd Filibuster A Health Care Reform Bill With A Public Option," Talking Points Memo, October 27, 2009

"Lieberman: More Dems could join public option filibuster," The Hill, November 19, 2009

"Ben Nelson threatens filibuster," Politico, November 19, 2009

4. "With Health Reform At Stake, Senators Scramble To Reach Public Option Compromise," Talking Points Memo, December 3, 2009

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