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Friday, August 28, 2009

The Public Health Care Option is Not Optional

Recently, the Obama administration indicated that it might be open to passing health care reform without any provision for a public option. In fact, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, went so far as to say the public option was not an "essential" part of reform.

Tell President Obama when it comes to health care reform, the public option is not optional! » Read the petition >> Click here Take action link

During the presidential race, Obama campaigned on change and on a health care plan that included the public option. But the recent comments rhetorically pave the way for the Obama administration to cave on meaningful health care reform.

Now is the time to remind President Obama that part of the reason he won the presidency was because of his plan to enact major health care reform that included a public option, a provision that 76 percent of Americans support

Americans have gone too long without the proper health coverage. Sign the pledge and urge President Obama to support a bill with a robust public option similar to Medicare. »

Thanks for taking action!

Read the petition >> Click here Take action link

President Obama: We Voted for Change!
America Needs a Public Option
Take Action!
A health care bill without a robust public option is just more of the same.
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Monday, August 24, 2009

The public is fed up with corporate influence blocking progress ....

As I wrote to you a couple of weeks ago, the U.S. Supreme Court may soon allow corporations to spend as much as they want promoting or opposing political candidates. Democracy as we know it could be rolled over by unlimited corporate money in politics.

A corporate titan driving a giant steamroller that is about to crush the U.S. Capitol building, showing corporate influence in elections.
Don't Get Rolled!
Yes, it's okay to be outraged.

Do something about it at!

In a stunning move, the justices are returning early from their summer vacation after ordering the parties in a little-known case to argue whether the court should overturn longstanding restrictions on corporate campaign spending.

The public is fed up with corporate influence blocking progress on health care, climate change, trade, the economy--on everything. But the Supreme Court could make things much, much worse.

Pledge to protest!

The Supreme Court is way out of touch--and way out of line. We need to raise awareness and send a message the justices will hear.

Tell your friends. Write a letter. Start a blog. Picket. Do street theater. Do whatever you can!

Learn more about how to get involved, share your ideas and take the "Pledge to Protest" at today.

donate Thank you for all you do!

Sidney M. Wolfe, M.D.

Stay informed and speak out when it counts.
Sign up for the Public Citizen Action Network or other online announcements.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

EPA wants your feedback on the proposed Biofuel standards

care2 petitionsite actionAlert

There's huge interest in the role biofuels can play in reducing global warming emissions from vehicles. But research shows that conventional biofuels can result in serious pollution when forests and grasslands are plowed to make room for farmland to grow fuel crops.

The EPA is in the process of creating the first national global warming pollution standards for ethanol, biodiesel and other renewable fuels, and they need to hear from you about global warming pollution from conventional biofuel production. »

Lobbyists from the conventional biofuel industry are pushing the EPA to ignore vital scientific findings about biofuel global warming pollution.

Read the petition >>
Take action link: Click here

We can't let that happen. Fortunately, the EPA wants your feedback on the proposed standards -- but we only have until September 25 to submit comments!

Please tell Administrator Lisa Jackson that the EPA must use the best available science to ensure that biofuels truly become part of a clean transportation future. Act now. »

Thanks for taking action!


The EPA Needs
to Hear from You!
Let the EPA hear from you.
Take Action!
Tell the EPA about conventional biofuel global warming pollution.
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Read the petition >>
Take action link: Click here

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ask Congress to support the Consumer Financial Protection Agency!

The Banksters are at it again.

Ask Congress to support the Consumer Financial Protection Agency!
Despite taking billions in taxpayer bailouts, the big banks are using their lobbying and PR machines to fight real reform that would create accountability and transparency in our financial system.

And they think that we won't notice because Congress is in recess. Let's show them that we are paying attention.

Make sure that Congress hears from Main Street--and not just Wall Street!
To learn more about real financial accountability and security, click this link

Financial services companies are spending millions to oppose legislation that would create a Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Even though their greed and shortsightedness wrecked our economy, they refuse to accept even the most basic oversight of their products and services.

They want to keep things the way they are. Do you want to keep things the way they are?

Tell your representative and senators that you want a Consumer Financial Protection Agency to protect us from misleading, unfair or unsafe financial products.

Thank you for all you do!

Angela, Eric & Glenn
Your Action Team at Public Citizen's Congress Watch Division

To learn more about real financial accountability and security, click this link