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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

House Republicans released their budget, known as The Ryan Plan. And it is a disaster for the middle class !

Just this morning, House Republicans released their budget, known as The Ryan Plan. And it is a disaster.

Named after House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, the GOP's "1%-First" budget attacks the federal workforce with cuts to pensions, pay freezes, and job cuts. In fact, it targets the entire middle class: It would destroy Medicare as we know it, ship jobs overseas, and force the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Homeland Security, and other agencies to slash the services that families rely on... all in order to provide tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.

Now here's the good news: Some pundits are already declaring this budget a major political error for the GOP. They're right. Americans hated last year's budget, and they'll hate this far more radical and anti-middle class sequel that much more. But it's up to us to prove it before the House marches forward.

Phones ringing off the hook will show the House GOP that the backlash has already started – can you help? Call your Representative at 1-866-220-0044 right now and tell them you reject the GOP budget.

Don't stay silent if you've got a Democratic representative, either. The big-bailout banks and deep-pocket donors on Wall Street will be twisting arms. Every single member of Congress needs to hear from you. Here's how:

* Call the Congressional Switchboard at 1-866-220-0044.
* Ask for your Representative in the House.
* Tell the staffer who answers that the Ryan Plan is budget anarchy that doesn't represent your values as an American and, as a constituent, you won't support anyone who votes for it.

The Ryan Budget proposes an unprecedented $368 billion in federal workforce cuts, including extending the current pay freeze for three more years, cutting federal pensions by $78 billion, and eliminating 10% of the federal workforce from agencies like the Social Security Administration and Environmental Protection Agency. And it will make the wealthy even more so by eliminating the Alternative Minimum Tax and lowering the corporate tax rate to 25% from 35%, half that of Reagan-era rates.

This budget is not who we are as a country. It's bad politics and even worse government. Americans care about our veterans, our children, and our elderly. We want our food and water to be clean, and our communities safe. The Ryan Plan ignores all of these values in order to deliver 10% tax breaks to the Wall Street millionaires and billionaires who line the pockets of Republican leaders.

It was only released today, so there's no better time to make sure your voice is heard. We've had some important victories this year, but this may turn out to be the most important fight yet.

In solidarity,

John Gage
AFGE National President

P.S. If you call and the phone lines are busy, call back. If you get this when your representative's office has already closed for the day, leave a message – then call back the next morning. This is the moment to pour the pressure on.

For the latest updates on your pension, pay, budget cuts, and other news, text "NoCuts" on your personal phone to 225-568 or sign up online.
URGENT: GOP Budget Released Today

Cuts in pension, pay, jobs proposed in order to lower taxes for corporations and the wealthy. Call Your Representative NOW: 1-866-220-0044

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