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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tell Your Senators to Support Medicare-for-All

The Senate is picking up the health care reform debate where the House left off. Make sure your senators hear from you and not just insurance industry lobbyists.
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Take action right now!Email your senators and ask them to support single-payer, "Medicare-for-All" reform.

Tell 10 friends how to take action, too.

Today, 120 Americans will die because they lack health insurance. That's 45,000 Americans every year. America is a pay or die country. If you can't afford to pay ever-rising insurance premiums, you could die.

It doesn't have to be this way.

But the legislation working its way through Congress will do little to change it. The best-case scenario will leave millions of Americans uninsured, costs will continue to spiral out of control, and insurance corporations will continue to generate obscene profits by denying coverage to the sick and injured.

Single-payer, "Medicare-for-All" reform will break the stranglehold insurance companies have on you and your family. It will cover everyone. Everybody in, nobody out.

We have to act now!

Email your senators and ask them to support single-payer, "Medicare-for-All" reform.

Tell 10 friends how to take action, too.

We just can't wait any longer. The body count is rising.

Together, we can win this fight.

Onward to "Medicare-for-All"!

Angela, Glenn & Rick
Your advocates at Public Citizen

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